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Quick A/N: I'm thinking about changing the title. Is that a good idea or is the title right now ok? Tell me what you think here---> and if most of you guys think I should change it then I will. Cause honestly, I'm not really feeling it. Probably gonna change it. Lol sorry for this little rant or whatever, anyway on to the chapter.

Nash's POV

We reached the cafeteria area and let me tell you, there are a lot more people than I thought. I see many people with incredible powers.

I see fire being thrown and water coming from no where. This was simply amazing. I need to get better at controlling my power so I can show off like that.

We took a seat at a table with all the people I've met today and my eye catches Cameron and Mahogany holding hands and laughing. I couldn't help but to feel jealous. I don't know why, but I am jealous.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when somebody held my hand. I turned my head to see who it was and it was Matt. His brown eyes were so beautiful. Like I said before, I wouldn't mind going out with Matt.

We intertwine our fingers and sat at the table.

"Wow you work fast!" I heard from behind us. I turn and saw an Asian guy walking up to the table. He grabbed on both Matt's and I shoulder and lowered himself to our eye level.

"What do you want Carter?" Matt asked sternly.

"Oh nothing. Just here to welcome the new comer. You need to chill Matty."

"Hi I'm Nash." I said while putting my hand out to shake his. He ignored it and walked around the table to sit across from us.

Okay. It looks like I have a hater already on my first day.

"So what's your power newbie?" Carter asked referring to me.

"Yeah, I don't think I ever caught your power." Matt says facing me. Then a bunch of "yeah" came afterward coming from the rest of the table.

"I um, uh, c-control things with my mind." Why was I so nervous. That wasn't really hard to say.

"Then you and me are gonna fight." Carter says looking me in the eyes.

I was scared out of my life. What did he mean. "B-but I-" I try to say but cut off my Matt.

"He's not gonna fight you at practice. He's still new and I doubt he can control his power. He had no training."

I was offended a little. "You know what? I am gonna fight you. Gotta practice some how." I say looking at Carter.

I look Matt and he had that "Are you sure?" Look on him. I nodded and turned my attention to Cameron and Mahogany. They're still laughing it up. Screw them. I got Matt now.

"So when is this practice thing?" I ask.

"It takes place everyday around 10:00 am" Shawn explains.

"Speaking of which, I need you to come with me." Matt says.

He takes me to this room full of clothes such as uniform they have here and hoodies and things like that. The uniform looks comfortable. It was black with red stripes on its shoulders.

"Here take a couple of these." Matt says handing me a stack of clothes.

After I received my clothes he takes me to this room. I'm guessing this is his room. It's more spacious than I thought. There's was a bed on the left and on the right. The left bed looks like no one has slept in it so I situated my things there.

"Anxious aren't we?" Matt says giggling . I gave him a confused look.

"That's my bed." He says walking to me.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I say scrambling to get my stuff together. "It looked so clean, so I thought no one slept here." I explained

"Yeah I was raised knowing how to be clean." He says chuckling. "Well you get dressed and I'll meet you in the cafeteria."

I did what I was told and got into my uniform. I threw the hoodie over it and I almost didn't notice the hoodie was backwards.

I walked out of the room and walked towards the cafeteria. When I walked closer and closer I heard ruckus.

When I reached the cafeteria I see Carter and Matt fighting. I see Carter throwing punches at Matt's beautiful face.

Then Matt threw him off. "Open! Gate of the golden bull! Taurus!" Matt yells. All of the sudden a giant bull man thing appears and he has an axe on his back.

"Get him!" Matt commands

"Got it Matt. It's time to get things moooving!" The bull says. When he said moving it sounding like he was moooing. I chuckled a little at that.

This is no time to be playing. Your partner needs you. I look at Carter and he's just standing there while Taurus is charging at him with the axe. Carter has a smirk on his face and before Taurus could attack him, Carter jumped. This kid had hops.

He jumped about ten feet into the air. Then he bounced off of Taurus and landed behind Matt.

Before he did anything to him I sent him flying. I made sure he didn't lay a hand on my partner. When Carter hit the wall, all the eyes were focused on me. I can't believe I just did that. I guess fear has control over my power too.

I stood there not really knowing what to do, so I slowly walked back to our table.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked like nothing just happened. I look around and see everybody's jaw dropping.

"What?" I asked

"Did you do that to Carter?" Jack Johnson asked

I nodded and looked down at my lap.

"Good knowing you." Jack Gilinsky said

"What? Why?"

"Cause he's the camp number one fighter. He's a close combat expert and he's only 17." Shawn explains.

I then felt someone hugging me. I turn and see Matt.

"I think I would've been beaten if you didn't save me."

"No problem. That's what partners are for." I say chuckling.

Matt detaches himself from me and sits down. Then suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder yanking me out of my chair.

Then i finally realize it's Carter. He has food all over him and he looked pissed. "I'm not done yet Grier!" He says through his teeth.

He came up to me and grabbed my collar. He cocked his fist back ready to throw the punch until I heard someone yell.

"Stop it both of you." I turn and see Mr. Anderson. "Both of you come with me."

We following Mr. Anderson into his office.

"What the hell was going on?" He asked with a little bit anger.

"Nash here threw me across the room and I didn't do anything to him." Carter explains

"Is that true?"

"Yes and no. I was only trying to help my partner from getting beat by him." I explain. Mr. Anderson nods and release is both.

"You're dead tomorrow newbie!" He says

I forgot about our match tomorrow.

A/N: hey guys! Hope you guys like this chapter and if you did please vote and comment and all that jazz.

QOTD: Where do you live at?

I live in Texas. The loan star state!!!! I interested in who reads my book and where you read it from lol.

Well until next time Peace out Pandaninjas ✌️

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