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Nash's POV

"Nash, this isn't a dream. This is all real life." Dad said to me.

I couldn't believe what i was seeing nor hearing. I thought that all of this was fake, like a prank or something. "I actually have powers?" I asked while looking at my hands.

"Now tell me what happened in school." Mom demanded.

"Okay, it started with a dream." I started to explain.
"And when I left the room every came crashing back to the ground." I said finishing my experience.

My parents had a worried look on there face when I finished my story. "You said there were men in black suits that were firing at you?" My dad asked

"Well at me and a bunch of other kids around my age." I replied.

"The government!" My mom said with concern in her voice while looking at my dad. "Do you know how to work it?" Hayes asked

"What, my power? No, not really. It seems to only work with my emotions." I answered

"Ok here's the plan. We're gonna send you to this secret camp to help you train and control your powers." My dad said while getting his keys.

"Wait we're leaving now?" I asked

"Yes you have to get out of here as quickly as possible."

So with that I ran up stairs and started to pack my backpack with clothes and essentials. When done, I ran back down the stairs saying my goodbyes.

This was so short noticed. How am I gonna talk to everybody? Where am I going?

When I hopped in the car I looked at my dad with a terrified look on my face. "Where are we going?" I ask with tears

"Now son, this is nothing you should be worried about so wipe those tears." He says and I do what I was told. "The place you're going to is where your mom and I went to control our powers and that's also where where we met."

"Can you tell me your story and what's going on?" I ask still a little shaken up.

"Wow, ok that's gonna be a long story, but the camp is far so I guess we have time." I shifted in my seat so I'm facing him. I propped myself up with a hand under my chin and my elbow of the arm rest.

"Okay, you see when I was your age my powers started to develop as well. I was in my room doing homework like a high schooler should be doing." He says looking at me when he says "like a high schooler should be doing." Yeah, I don't do my homework, sue me.

We both chuckle and he continues. "Then I felt something cold in my hands and when I looked my pencil was frozen solid. My hands were cloaked with some sort of mist. I then touched my desk and that slowly froze until I lifted my finger." I was in total awe at his story

"When I told my parents what was happening to me they sent me off to the camp where I'm driving you to now. Don't worry, this camp will be fun. Trust me. Now the men in the black suits. They are the government. They are the ones who started all of this mess. We were made to be in the army to help fight wars and what not. Until one of the creations stood against what they said and ran away. You know we're humans, powers or no powers we're humans. We can reproduce and all of that good stuff." He says.

"Okay....." I respond

"So the rogue soldier began to start a life with a normal family. And they had kids and their kids had kids. Not every offspring they make would have powers so there's an off chance Hayes, Will or Skylnn wouldn't have powers." That's great, I'm the weird one with the powers.

"Now the government didn't like what they did so they tried to exterminate all of the people with powers." He continued. "They only would find if someone snitched or they have a close spy on you, but in your case, someone put you on YouTube and I guess they saw."

"Wait. How do you know if I'm on YouTube or not?" I ask a bit curious.

"Your mom saw it and told me." He answers

"So tell me how did you met my mother." I said

He looked at me and began to tell his story. Surprising enough, his story was really interesting and sweet. He told how there's a waterfall near the camp that is beyond beautiful and how nature out there is really relaxing. My dad and my mom seemed to hit of pretty well according to the story. I wonder is it because the opposite powers they have.

He also told me to be careful around my mom now. If I would get her mad, her whole body would combust and burn everything around her. Now that I think about it, we did move a lot due to a "kitchen fire".

When dad finish telling his story I looked out the window see all the trees pass by. And slowly I fell asleep.

"Hey baby." I hear from behind me. I turned to see who it was. It was the boy from my other dream.

"Hey Cam Cam." I say then kiss his lips.

"You know I don't like that name." He pouts

"It's okay, I think it's cute and it suits you." He leans in to a kiss.........

"Nash wake up!!!!" I hear my dad yell as we swerve on the street. I hear gun shots. I look behind me and I see the men in black suits.

Suddenly our car spins out of control. We crash into a nearby field landing in a hay stack. We both get out of the wrecked car. "You alright?" My dad asks. I nod looking for the men.

Some come into view and starts shooting. All I could do is raise my arms to protect my face and suddenly I feel something cold. I look to see what it was and I see a dome, made of ice. I look at my dad and he gave a quick nod.

"Ok here's the plan. You need to run as fast you can into the forest. The camp should be a little way in the forest, you can't miss it. I'll protect you while you run."

"But dad...." I try to say but I was cut off by him saying "No Nash, you need to run. Don't worry about me. Your safety is all that matters." With a tear rolling down my face I nod.

A small opening appears in the dome and I go through it. At full speed I run towards the forest. Men are shooting at me of course but some stopped. I turned to see was my dad ok.

He was alright. I saw the men on the floor with an icicle in them? I was guessing it was an icicle. I was now in the forest and I turned back to see my dad signaling him to join me. He was too busy fighting off the men in black suits to notice me.

I then see my dad leg get shot. He was now on the floor still fighting. More tears coming out I stood there and watch my dad fight off about twenty men. I felt useless.

Then my dad arm was shot. That wasn't good I couldn't take it anymore. All of the sudden the men went flying. Did I do that? I think I did. I didn't see any ice fly.

My dad slowly stood up and looking at me. I was happy he was okay.....sorta. He started to limp my way and I started walking toward his to help him. Before he stood in front of me, a shot was taken through his head.


Hey guys. Hope you're enjoying this so far. I'm sorry for the long wait if you're actually ready this lol. Well 1 more day till my summer vacation could start!!! WOOOO!!!! I'm excited.

Please vote and comment stuff so I know yall are reading it. And I think imma start doing a Question of the day kind of thing so here it goes.


What's your plans for summer?

Comment answers here✌️

Thank you again for reading. Until next time, see yall later Pandaninjas

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