04. Friendship

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(Edward's P.O.V)

It was day three of the hunting trip and I still couldn't get her out of my head. I had come so close to ending her life. I knew I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had hurt her. Guilt coursed through my veins at the thought. Maybe if I stayed away longer, I could get her out of my head.

"What's got you so down?" Jasper's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Nothing in particular," I lied through my teeth.

Jasper's thoughts alerted me that he wasn't buying it.

"Your mood has been all over the place since you started taking those classes," he stated as matter-of-factly.

"It's like I said. I don't think I'm ready for any of this." I sighed as I stared off into the distance, wishing more than anything that I could see her again.

"Not ready for what exactly?" He questioned.

"It doesn't matter," I whispered as I turned to walk away.

Jasper's thoughts gave himself away. Bella is out living her life. Maybe it's time you start living too.

My jaw clenched defensively, but I knew I shouldn't confront him. The sound of her name, whether it be in someone's thoughts or out loud, felt like someone taking a knife and stabbing me in the heart.


By the time day four of the hunting trip rolled around, we were headed back home. I had had my fill of mountain lions and deer— I was so full, I felt like I could pop at any second. Still, the memory of her scent lingered.

Thankfully, I had managed to stay away from her for a few days, so maybe I could continue that streak. Or maybe I should just move away for a few years. Give her time to graduate and find a nice young man to start a family with.

I felt myself tense instantly at the thought even though I knew I wouldn't keep that from her. As our home came into view, Esme, Alice, and Rosalie all ran out to greet us. They each flung themselves into their mate's arms causing me to turn my head so I didn't have to see the display of affection.

Still, the thought of Lorelei running into my arms caused a shiver to run down my spine. The feeling of her warm body pressed against mine would be heavenly and so very dangerous in many different ways.

Why was I having such thoughts about a girl I hardly knew?

It seemed as though Esme was the mind reader as she turned my way and smiled.

"I met your new friend, Edward," she paused to gauge my reaction, "She really appreciated the cake."

All I could do was stare at her, completely dumbfounded. Rosalie scoffed and shot daggers my way.

"You seriously befriended another human?!" She spat out angrily.

I took a step back from Rosalie as I spoke through clenched teeth, "She's not my friend, Rosalie. And regardless, it's none of your business."

Pure rage flashed through her eyes as she clenched her fists at her sides. "You're damn right it's my business. This doesn't just affect you. It affects the ENTIRE family. I won't have you put us through that again, Edward!" She all but screamed.

I could feel Jasper manipulating the tension in the air, attempting to cool things down between us.

Carlisle stepped between Rosalie and me. "Calm down, Rosalie. Now isn't the time for this."

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