20. Haunted

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Stood there and watched you walk away

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Stood there and watched you walk away

From everything we had

But I still mean every word I said to you

He will try to take away my pain

And he just might make me smile

But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

--Haunted by Taylor Swift

(Edward's P.O.V)

I grabbed the trunk of a spruce tree and forced its roots from the ground before hurling it as far as I could. The sound it made as it crashed into the side of the mountain was deafening.

Rage and sorrow coursed through me, mixing in my veins and blinding me. Bella's face planted itself in my mind the second I recognized the melody that Lorelei was playing- Bella's Lullaby.

Every memory and emotion that I had buried had come rushing to the surface in that instant. I was overwhelmed by the pain that consumed me as the darkness broke forth from its cage.

How foolish I had been. How foolish I had been to believe that I could ever be happy again- that I could ever escape the brown eyed girl that haunted me.

Tearless sobs racked through my body. I truly was haunted. The memories of her clung to me like a ghost. In that moment, I longed to be human so badly it hurt. Humans could heal. Time heals all wounds for humans as memories fade.

For immortals, memories never fade. I was drowning in the bittersweet memories of my time with Bella. For a split second, I was brought back to reality as Lorelei's face flashed through my mind. I felt guilty for storming out without so much as a simple explanation.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Alice that read, 'Please get Lorelei a glucometer. Watch over her. Tell her I'm sorry.'

I hit send before taking off at a full sprint through the mountains, desperate to run away from the ghost of my past.

(Lorelei's P.O.V)

I was so confused. Edward had run out with no explanation earlier today and I had no idea why. I sighed as a I ran a hand through my damp hair. I felt so much better physically after taking a bath, but mentally- I was a mess.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the text message I had sent Edward a couple of hours ago.

'Hey. Is everything okay?' The text read.

He still hadn't responded to the message. I chewed on my lower lip nervously. What if he had decided to start avoiding me again? Fear gripped me at the thought.

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