09. Precipice

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||Lorelei's P

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||Lorelei's P.O.V||

It had been a week since Edward even so much as looked my way. He refused to be anywhere near me. He and his sister, Alice, decided not to be in my and Zeke's group for the project in Communication, leaving me alone with Zeke of course.

Zeke was seated beside me, droning on and on about something. I believe he was talking about some sort of festival or something coming up. I wasn't sure though; my mind was completely elsewhere. Edward and Alice were sitting on the other side of the room, talking amongst themselves.

Attempting to be sneaky, I stole a glance his way. Edward paid me no mind but his sister met my gaze. She offered me a sad smile before turning to speak to Edward. I then heard Zeke's voice trying to get my attention.

"Well, what do you think?" He asked me with an energetic smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "About what?"

He shook his head playfully. "Haven't you been listening?"

"I'm sorry. I was.. in a daze." I paused as I wringed my hands anxiously. "What were we talking about?"

He pursed his lips at my excuse. "I was saying.... We go to Heritage Days together this weekend. Then, afterwards, we can go to my place and work on the project."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I couldn't help myself from stealing another glance at Edward from across the room. He seemed tense; more tense than usual. His jaw was clenched as he stared straight ahead. Alice's hand was resting on his shoulder. I forced myself to look away before turning my attention back to Zeke.

"What's Heritage Days?" I asked, trying to sound enthused.

He chuckled excitedly. "It's a festival we have in town every year. There's live music and good food. People go there and set up stands to sell home-made stuff. It's a lot of fun."

I bit my lower lip nervously. I didn't want to hurt Zeke's feelings, but I really didn't feel up to attending something like that. Definitely not with everything going on back home.

"Oh. Um. Sounds like it would be pretty crowded," I spoke slowly.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I mean yeah, but it's pretty crowded here on campus too."

"I don't do well in big crowds," I told him, which was the truth.

He wasn't taking the hint. "You seem to do just fine here."

"Couldn't we just work on the project instead? I really want to get that out of the way." I tucked a stray curl behind my ear as I waited for his answer.

To my surprise, he flashed me a beaming smile that would have taken any other girl's breath away.

"I mean, yeah. If that's what you want. We can just meet up at my place and knock the project out so we can focus on other things." He wagged his eyebrows at me suggestively.

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