12. Swipe Right

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She's talking to angels She's counting the stars Making a wish on a passing car She's dancing with strangers She's falling apart Waiting for superman to pick her up In his arms **Waiting for Superman by Daughtry**

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She's talking to angels
She's counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She's dancing with strangers
She's falling apart
Waiting for superman to pick her up
In his arms
**Waiting for Superman by Daughtry**

(Lorelei's P.O.V)

As we walked through the woods, I was distinctly aware of his presence. The electricity that seemed to radiate from him only got stronger the closer I was to him. I was ecstatic that he was no longer avoiding me, but I was very confused. A part of me didn't want to ask questions out of fear that it would push him away again but I was curious.

I started chewing on my lower lip nervously. I was surprised I hadn't chewed a hole through it by now. It was a nervous habit that I had been doing for years. I could feel Edward's eyes on me as we walked. A delicious shiver raked through my body at the realization.

"What are you thinking?" He asked me curiously, breaking the comfortable silence.

I wrapped my arms around me and sighed. "You don't want to know."

His eyes never left my face as he spoke, "Yes, I do."

I turned to look at his stunning face, completely losing my train of thought as I stared into his liquid topaz eyes. My heart started beating frantically. A sexy smirk started playing on his lips which caused my stomach to do a back flip. His smirk grew by the second.

I quickly averted my gaze from his glorious features and took a slow, shaky breath as I attempted to gather my thoughts. A low rumbling sound came from Edward's chest causing me to look over at him once more. When my eyes locked with his, I noticed a strange hunger dancing in their depths. His jaw was clenched and the smirk had vanished from his face.

The burning look he gave me caused my lower stomach to tighten deliciously. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears due to my heart pumping so fast.

He was the one to break eye contact this time. We said nothing for a few minutes as I waited for my heart rate and breathing to return to normal. The effect he was having on me was anything but normal.

I wanted him.


Finally, he spoke once more. "What are you thinking, Lorelei?"

I laughed softly as I stared straight ahead. "You sound like a broken record."

He released a deep sigh. "Will you please tell me what's on your mind?"

He was practically begging. I started chewing on my lower lip once again.

"I was just thinking about what you said earlier," I admitted to him.

"Which part?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"The part where you said we shouldn't be friends. I was just wondering why you thought that." I wringed my hands shyly.

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