06. Pandora's Box

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(Lorelei's P.O.V)

As soon as class was over, I hurried out of the room and made my way outside. Breathing in the fresh air, I tried to calm my racing thoughts.

Prior to class, I had just gotten word that my friend from back home had gone missing. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing that I could do. My mind was scattered as I combed through the possibilities. Did he just up and leave? Or did something happen to him.

I needed answers.

I struggled to control my breathing. I didn't want to start hyperventilating. A hand on my shoulder caused me to turn around. I was met with Edward's handsome, concerned face.

He took a step back before speaking. "You're not okay, are you?"

My lip quivered as I felt tears spring to my eyes. I could not let them fall; not in front of Edward. He reached his hand towards me slowly before quickly pulling it back. It was as though he wanted to comfort me but he couldn't bring himself to. I'm sure he didn't want to give me the wrong impression.

"What can I do?" He had an edge to his voice, almost sounding panicked.

I understood. Most guys didn't know how to handle an upset girl.

Slowly, I shook my head. "I'll be fine."

I turned to walk away as Edward spoke, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Once again, I shook my head and started walking to my car. I needed to get to the safety of my car before I could allow myself to cry. If something had happened to Stefan, I could never forgive myself. I had left when he needed me the most.

I hurriedly got in my car and closed the door before leaning my head against the steering wheel and allowing the tears to flow freely. A light 'tap' at the window caused my head to shoot up. It was Edward. I quickly made a feeble attempt to wipe the tears from my face before rolling down the window.

"Yes?" I forced a smile his way.

"Do you mind if I get in?" He asked, hopefulness in his voice.

I sighed. I didn't want him to be near me in this state of mind, but I couldn't say no to him.

"Go ahead."

He rushed over to the passenger side door and slithered in. Staring straight ahead, I started chewing on my lower lip nervously. I could feel Edward's penetrating gaze on me. Even in my depressive state, I couldn't stop the delicious shiver that went up my spine as I felt his eyes roam over me.

"Can I ask you something?" He wondered aloud.

I turned to look at him and was taken aback at the emotion in his golden eyes. His porcelain face seemed to be set in stone; a sad frown decorating his face. I couldn't believe someone so good-looking could exist.

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