23. Interrogation

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And all the roads we have to walk are winding

And all the lights that lead us there are blinding

There are many things that I would like to say to you,

But I don't know how

Because maybe

You're gonna be the one that saves me

And after all

You're my wonderwall

--Wonderwall by Oasis

(Edward's P.O.V)

"Why? Why would you put us through this again?" Rosalie demanded to know.

She appeared to be calm, but her thoughts gave away how truly hurt she was that I had allowed myself to get close to another human. Emmett was seated by her side at the table with his arm slung over her shoulder. He offered me an understanding smile.

Sorry, bro. He pitied me.

I wasn't sure which was worse. Being pitied or having them furious with me. Carlisle was sitting in his usual spot at the head of the table with Esme on his right. He was being very careful with his thoughts.

Esme was just content with the fact that I wasn't in a comatose state over a broken heart. I was sitting beside Carlisle on his left side with Alice on my right. Jasper was standing directly behind Alice; the tension in the air was weighing him down mentally.

I took a deep breath. "You guys could never understand how truly sorry I am." My voice sounded defeated; broken.

I can. Jasper's thoughts rang loud and clear. He could feel my remorse; my guilt.

Everyone remained silent, waiting patiently for me to continue.

"I can assure you that Lorelei and I are strictly friends," I paused, hoping they didn't notice how her name spilled off my lips like a melody. "She knows nothing about us nor will she."

Esme gave me a tender smile. Is that what you want though?

I was taken aback slightly by her silent thought.

Alice was shaking her head beside me. You might be able to fool them, but you can't fool me. I see how you look at her.

I stiffened in my seat but chose to ignore their thoughts. Before I could continue, Rosalie spoke up.

"You can't possibly expect us to believe that you don't have feelings for her," she spoke a bit too calmly.

Given her thoughts, it was the calm before the storm. Emmett nodded once in agreement with his mate.

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