37. Mixed Signals

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(Lorelei’s P

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(Lorelei’s P.O.V)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of Bella’s monitor echoed in my ears as I stood at the doorway to her hospital room. I had grown accustomed to the sound over the past few days. She still hadn’t fully regained consciousness. Ric didn’t want to leave Bella by herself for any amount of time and he didn’t entirely trust Damon to be left alone with her. So, I spent a lot of my time at her bedside when Ric had to tend to some things. 

Ric was sitting beside her with a forlorn expression when I cleared my throat to make my presence known. He looked up with furrowed brows. I nodded towards the bag of food in my hands.

“I brought Chinese,” I said to him with a smile.

“Thanks.” He smiled back, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

I sat down beside him and handed him the bag. As I looked up, I saw Carlisle walk by through the glass window. He made eye contact with me for a split second and nodded in my direction before continuing on his way.

Edward and I hadn’t spoken since I found out about him and Bella. He hadn’t made any initiative to talk to me and neither had I. He and Damon still had glaring contests though. Damon, of course, continued to follow to me to class and make a pest out of himself while doing so. Jimmy certainly wasn’t a fan of him. I wonder if his vampire radar had gone off? Luckily, Damon hadn’t felt the need to compel him, so I didn’t have to mention that Jimmy was dosing himself (and me) with vervain on occasion.

“How is she?” I asked him.

He shrugged and slumped forward. “No change.”

I laid my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “She'll come around. If not, you can always have Damon…” I trailed off when I saw Bella’s eyes begin to flutter.

“Ric!” I gasped and pointed.

His mouth fell open before a huge smile decorated his face. He took her hand in his and brought it to his cheek.

“Bella, honey?” I could hear the hopefulness in his voice.

Her eyes barely opened; she squinted against the harsh fluorescent lights.

“Wh-Where am I?” She asked in a raspy voice.

“You’re at the hospital. Everything’s okay,” he said to her in a gentle voice, as though she might break. He paused before turning to me, “Get the nurse. Let them know she’s awake.”

I quickly obliged, flagging down the first nurse I saw who sent someone else to fetch Carli– I mean, Dr. Cullen. I turned off the light over Bella’s bed so she could better adjust as the nurse began to assess her. The nurse was still fluttering about when Carlisle walked in. Bella’s eyes widened when she saw him.

“Carlisle,” she croaked out; shock was evident on her face.

I wasn’t surprised that they were on a first name basis, given the history between her and Edward.

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