29. Ambivalence

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**AUTHOR'S NOTE**Okay, so this chapter is pretty short, but you'll see why

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Okay, so this chapter is pretty short, but you'll see why. 😅 Things are going to be a whole lot more interesting from here on out!!!!!

(Lorelei's P.O.V)

I sighed deeply before diving under the waves. After pouring my heart out to Edward and being flat out rejected, I couldn't bring myself to go home after my last class of the day. Instead, I found solace in the sea.

I had driven straight to the beach and parked my car before running out into the waters with salty tears streaming down my face. The sea welcomed me with open arms and I instantly felt at peace. The waves gently rocked me to and fro, as if attempting to soothe me.

That night, I didn't go home. I had stayed in the sea until dawn. I had fallen asleep under the night sky, floating on my back as the waves lulled me to sleep. When I awoke, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated.

I made it home after dawn so I would have time to shower and get changed before class. As I stared at my sopping wet hair in the mirror, an idea occurred to me. I lifted my hand and willed the majority of the water out of my hair, leaving my hair feeling silky and moisturized without being a wet mess. I smiled in victory after discovering my new trick.

That would save me so much time in the future and a lot less questions from Edward. He always made a comment when he saw my wet hair, fearful that I would 'get cold'. My heart sank at the thought of him.

I was leery about the idea of us remaining friends, worried that I had ruined things between us regardless of what he said. Sure, he said things wouldn't be weird between us but how couldn't they be? Now that he knows I'm fawning over him, how couldn't I be weird around him?

I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a comfortable t-shirt, no longer worried about impressing anyone. There was no impressing Edward after all. I chuckled dryly at the thought. I put my wavy hair into a high ponytail and shrugged my shoulders at my appearance. It'll do.

I still had loads of time before I had to leave for class so I started doing some light cleaning around the house. As I was wiping down the counters, I heard a quick, loud knocking at the door.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Who in the hell could that be? I slowly started walking towards the door- evidently not quickly enough for whoever it was because they started knocking again; this time much louder than before. Whoever it is needs to learn some patience.

I warily opened the door just enough to peek out and was met with Edward's frantic face. His eyes were wild and his hair was disheveled. Panic gripped me. Something had to be wrong.

"What is it?! What's wrong?!" I asked him, feeling my heart in my throat as I opened the door the rest of the way.

His eyes were as round as saucers. He gently brushed by me to step inside. My heart stuttered in my chest when his arm grazed mine, sending an electrical current through out my body.

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