49. Enlighten Me

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||Lorelei's P

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||Lorelei's P.O.V.||

My heart was in my throat as Edward and I walked into the living room. The feel of his hand on my lower back caused every hair on my body to stand up on end. To say I was a bundle of nerves was an understatement. He guided me to the loveseat and waited for me to take a seat. The second I sat down and my body sank against the soft cushions, I allowed myself to take a deep breath.

Everything was going to be okay. It had to be. I was telling myself that on repeat, willing myself to believe it. Edward sat down beside me and immediately placed his hand on my knee, causing my breath to hitch in my throat and my heart to race. I knew he didn't mean anything by the gesture, but that didn't stop my body from responding to the simple touch by going haywire.

"It's okay," he spoke in the softest voice imaginable.

Before I could form a coherent response, Carlisle and Esme sauntered into the room. Carlisle took a seat in the leather recliner while Esme sat on the pristine sofa, looking like she was posing for a Better Homes & Gardens magazine cover.

Jasper appeared in the doorway, wearing a stoic expression like an accessory. He leaned against the wall next to Edward, folding his arms across his chest. Edward nodded once in his direction, giving my knee a gentle squeeze that caused my heart to stutter. Geez, I really needed to get a grip.

The silence in the room was deafening. I felt so out of place. My nerves somewhat settled when Stefan walked into the room. He was wearing a grave expression. We made brief eye contact before he sat on the end of the sofa across from Esme. He rested his elbows against his elbows and leaned forward, staring down at the hardwood floor as though it held the answers to all of our problems.

Carlisle was the one to break the awkward silence.

"Stefan," he spoke in an authoritative tone. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Carlisle. This is my wife, Esme." He nodded towards Esme without diverting his gaze from Stefan. "Normally, there would be time for pleasantries, but given the circumstances, I'm going to cut to the chase."

I furrowed my brows, my stomach twisting into knots. Stefan pursed his lips as he waited for Carlisle to continue.

"You killed a girl today," he stated, a deep frown pulling down his features.

My heart skipped a beat. Edward removed his hand from my knee before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. I melted under his touch, allowing the coolness of his body to wash over me.

Stefan finally looked up from the floor, meeting Carlisle's gaze. "I did," he responded dully.

Carlisle pressed his lips into a thin line before saying, "Your reputation precedes you. I've heard many a tales of the infamous Ripper of Monterey."

My jaw dropped. Stefan, however, was unfazed.

"So, you've heard of me," he mumbled, quirking a brow.

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