51. Confessions & Choices

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||Lorelei's P

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||Lorelei's P.O.V.||

Our laughter mingled in the air, echoing through the forest as Stefan and I glided through the trees. Over the past few days, the crushing weight on my shoulders had given way, allowing me to experience joy like I hadn't in a long, long time. The Cullens welcomed Stefan into their home with loving arms for which I'd forever be grateful. He had just returned from a hunting trip with Carlise and Esme. Edward and the others left before dawn, hoping to return before nightfall.

Stefan seemed to be taking advantage of Edward's absence. Don't get me wrong- The two were getting along well enough, but there was still a tension between them that made things a bit awkward.

We hadn't seen hide nor hair of Damon since the incident at the auditorium. Apparently, neither had Ric. He and Bella had made up after we explained the situation. He was relieved that he didn't have to hide anything from her anymore, and she was just glad that there were 'no more secrets'. I'll admit- I was shocked upon finding out that two decades had passed since Edward's relationship with her. From the way he acted at times, you would think that the breakup was fresh.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Stefan came to an abrupt halt in a small clearing that was filled with overgrown wildflowers. I followed his lead, coming to an almost graceful stop alongside him.

"Let's stop and relax for a minute." He flashed me a glorious smile before sinking to the ground.

Giggling, I joined him in the grass, sitting cross legged in a patch of flowers. He was smiling to himself as he plucked a wildflower and handed it to me. I accepted it graciously, twirling it between my thumb and forefinger as I looked at him. His forest green eyes were swirling with a multitude of emotions as they poured into mine.

"You know..." He trailed off, a crooked grin flitting to his lips as he continued, "You are, hands down, my favorite person."

A blush rushed to my cheeks at the unexpected compliment. "Oh, yeah?" I laughed, quirking a brow at him. "Why is that?"

His smile grew, but the intensity of his gaze intensified. "For so many reasons, Lorelei." There was no denying the sincerity in his voice. "You've always been there. No matter what, you were there. I feel like... myself.. when I'm around you. At times, it's so easy for me to lose myself in guilt over my past, but when I'm with you... The past just fades away."

My breath hitched in my throat when he took my hand in his, his eyes full of tenderness as he continued, "You make me feel human again. And I could never thank you enough for that."

The weight of his words washed over me, causing tears of joy to spring to my eyes. My heart lurched in my chest as I gave his hand a squeeze.

"What are friends for?" I asked, at a loss for words to say much else as I offered him a soft smile.

He breathed out a laugh, his green eyes dancing. "You're my best friend. And I'm yours, right?"

I was quick to nod. "Without a doubt."

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