45. Not Your Girl

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(Lorelei's P

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(Lorelei's P.O.V)

I groaned as I rolled over in bed. My entire body felt stiff and sore. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. I blinked as my eyes came into focus.

"You're awake," a deep voice washed over me.

A gasp flew through my lips when I turned my head to the left and saw Stefan lying on the bed beside me. His head was propped against his hand as he looked at me with an amused expression. My heart was racing when I realized that he was shirtless. My best friend was shirtless in my bed. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment as I tried to recollect what had happened last night. Had he stayed in my bed all night? What exactly happened? Surely, we didn't- There's no way we- Right? I felt my jaw go slack at the thought. I was absolutely mortified.

I jolted upright in bed, causing a stabbing pain to pierce through my head. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the skull. I groaned in pain, squeezing my eyes shut as I waited for it to subside. A few seconds passed before I was able to turn to face him. My cheeks were beet red as I locked eyes with his forest green orbs.

"What happened last night?" I asked hoarsely, surprised by how scratchy my voice sounded.

His brows knitted together, frowning as he asked, "You don't remember?"

I slowly shook my head, fearful that the pain would come back. Thankfully, it didn't. "No."

His mouth fell open before his face twisted in to a grimace. "You don't remember.. anything?" His voice sounded strained, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.

I blinked rapidly, trying to sift through my mind. The look he was giving me worried me immensely. "Stefan, did we-?" I was unable to finish the sentence.

His eyes grew to the size of saucers. "No, Lorelei. We didn't have sex, if that's what you're implying."

I breathed a sigh of relief, my shoulders immediately relaxing. "Thank goodness," I spoke breathlessly.

He clenched his jaw, his face pulling down in a frown. I studied him carefully. Something was wrong.

"So, you really don't remember anything?" He asked once more in a whisper, avoiding my gaze.

I sighed again, slumping forward in defeat. "Stefan, the last thing I remember was blacking out."

He pressed his lips together firmly as a haunting expression fell across his face. I furrowed my brows in confusion, feeling my heart drop to my stomach. Something had definitely happened. No doubt.

"Right," he breathed out, averting his gaze as he hopped off the bed.

My eyes threatened to trail down his toned torso before I caught myself. "Did.. Did you sleep in here with me?" My voice wavered nervously.

His piercing green eyes locked with mine as he nodded. "Yes. You kept trying to leave. You started sleepwalking at some point."

I blinked rapidly, stunned as I studied his crestfallen expression. It was then that I took note of my own attire. I was in Stefan's T-shirt with nothing on but underwear underneath. I wasn't even wearing a bra! A blush to end all blushes crept to my cheeks as I self-consciously clutched the blanket to my chest. My heart was hammering loudly against my ribcage; I prayed that he wasn't listening that closely.

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