16. The Festival

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Hush now, you don't know how

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Hush now, you don't know how

I would sacrifice my world for you

Hush now, let it all pour out

You'll be right as rain on dew

**Heard You Crying by Michael Schulte**

(Lorelei's P.O.V)

The tears flowed freely as I laid sprawled out on the bathroom floor in all my fishy glory. I managed to reach the paper towels and started drying my tail furiously, desperate for my legs to reappear so I could go out and apologize to everyone for my rude behavior.

I wasn't crazy. Honest. I don't know what came over me. Hearing Zeke voice his opinion on the undead really got under my skin. I had immediately thought of my dear friend, Stefan, and his negative, false opinions of himself. And when he called Edward a freak, that sent me over the edge. I could practically feel my blood boiling.

Then, the explosion?!

The exploded water bottles?!

I didn't know I was capable of such a thing.

I knew Zeke could be irritating at times but he certainly didn't deserve my reaction. I had no idea what was wrong with me.

My hands were still shaking from the ordeal. I could feel adrenaline coursing through my body; my heart rate started to climb.

After a couple minutes of drying off, my legs reappeared. I placed my head in between my knees and took some slow, deep breaths to try to calm my racing heart but to no avail. With a shaky breath, I slowly stood up and leaned against the sink.

I looked up at the steamed mirror in front of me. I could feel the heat practically radiating off my body. My cheeks were flushed. I turned on the faucet and ran my hands under some cold water before splashing my face. My heart was still going a mile a minute.

Was I having a heart attack at nineteen?

Surely not.

I knew I needed to go out and face the aftermath of my idiotic outburst but the thought of seeing Edward's face after my humiliating display caused panic to sear through me. I felt like I was going to be sick.

I stared down at the running water and clenched my fists anxiously. A gasp flew through my lips when the water coming from the faucet instantly turned into steam. I quickly turned off the water as I all but started hyperventilating. I had no idea that this would happen after the completed transformation.

"You're really starting to worry me," Edward's soothing voice called from outside the door. "Please open up."

I cast one last look at my frazzled face in the mirror. I looked worse for wear. My eyes were wild, my cheeks still blushing. I was a mess. Still, I could no longer ignore the fact that Edward was waiting outside the door for me.

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