1 ⌊Prologue⌋

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Thebes, Egypt 1290 B.C

The sun took its place at the highest point on earth, shining down on Thebes, known as the City of the Living. It was the crown jewel of Pharaoh Seti I, home to Imhotep and his younger sister, Nabila - high priest and priestess, respectfully. The Pharoah trusted both members of his council and Keepers of the Dead. Birthplace of Anck-su-namun, the Pharaoh's mistress. No other man was allowed to touch her.

While Seti I returned home and wished to be in the company of his mistress, young Ramesses chose to bid his sister and father farewell for the evening as the duties of an heir weighed heavily upon his shoulders. Despite Nefertiti's protests, he can see how tired she'd become after awaiting their father's arrival. He trusted the medjai to escort her safely to her room while he idly walked to his.

Upon arriving, a shadow took his attention. Her golden skin glowed beneath the pale moon's light, her dark mane dancing with the air as she stared up at the sky. Ramesses wasn't sure if he should allow her the moment or alert her of his presence - he chose to admire his soon-to-be wife from a distance. However, realizing that Nabila wasn't aware of her surroundings, he lightly touched her back.

Instantly, he found himself with a dagger to his neck while staring into the emerald shards that blessed Nabila's sight. Her eyes grew wide, dropping the blade upon the ground, but Ramesses made no move to back away.

"Forgive me, my love." She bowed, but her husband-to-be shook his head. He grabbed her by the arms and lifted her into a full embrace.

"I would expect nothing less from you, Nabila." He pulled away slightly but kept her in his arms. Ramesses traced the dark circles beneath her lovely blue eyes and ended at her cheek with his thumb. She also seemed paler against his hand, and that frightened him even more. "Are you well?"

"No, Ramesses." She placed her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Today makes five years since my mother passed - I've been seeing her everywhere." He'd forgotten why his future wife placed herself in solitude, remaining in the temples until now. "I still believe all this is a dream within a nightmare," Nabila removed herself from his warmth. "I feel like I will wake up, and all of this," she gestured at the beauty of the city, "will become nothing but a distant memory."

The moon was reflected in her iris as if she was its maiden. The desert moon would bow to her will if it were possible, but Nabila settled for the magic it gave in its comfort. "My mother would always tell stories of the stars, saying our ancestors resided in the heavens and protected us on our journey." Nabila placed her hand in the sky, reaching for the moon. "She joined them too soon."

"She still lives within you, my love." Ramesses hugged Nabila once more. "Do not forget the justice we brought to her end and how you've grown in her image - I daresay more beautiful." She chuckled at his words, slowly pulling away from his arms.

"I will return in a moment." She began to walk through the door but looked at her husband once more. "My brother wishes to speak to me of certain matters. I should return shortly."

Nabila was followed by one of her maidens until they reached her brother's room. Despite her more petite frame, Nabila was able to open his door with the help of a medjai and requested to enter alone. The maiden waited outside Imhotep's room as she called out for her brother, but the silence was enough to make Nabila grow cold.

Something wasn't right.

Nabila called out for the high priest, receiving silence as the initial response. On her brother's silk sheets rested a paper, reciting words from his heart as Nabila counted the number of times a certain mistress' name appeared. Her brother isn't one to leave such personal items lying-

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