2 | 2 ⌋ Digging Up The Past

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Cairo Museum, Egypt

Ardeth Bay watched as the elders debated dealing with the new foreigners who took over the desert grave of Hamuanptra. Although he wanted to speak, there was no way to stop the others. 

"We're no longer under the threat of the creature," one of them spoke, looking at Ardeth for approval, "why should we continue to observe if they are digging for nothing?" 

"Let us not forget what happened years ago when those foreigners wanted to dig," that stung a little since Ardeth considered it his failure, "they woke up Imhotep and nearly destroyed the world!"

"Hasina told us Imhotep drowned in the water of souls," another chimed in. 

"That doesn't mean they won't find anything else we may not know about," one rebuttalled. 

"This desert does hold many secrets, but our lineage taught us nothing of another coming to life." 

Their words soon disappeared into the background as Ardeth stood before the city once again. He looked around hastily with his hand on the sword. In the distance, a woman's silhouette appeared like a mirage; the medjai fell to his knees as the woman bared Evelyn's face - except she dressed as an Egyptian princess. 

"Ardeth,"  she echoed, "help me." 

Before he could respond, another walked in her path

Nadia held her brother's face in her hand, her words muffled as she yelled at the others for water and bread. A moment later, Malik joined her side with the items. 

"Drink," she ordered him. Ardeth knew better than to disobey his little sister. Malik turned to the faction and asked them to vacate the building, "We'll return to this before supper. For now, go tend to your families and businesses." They agreed and dispersed. 

Nadia helped her brother sit on the office chair. She was glad they'd chosen to meet in the museum otherwise the heat would've worsened his condition. "Brother, what happened?" 

"I'm not sure," he mumbled. Ardeth put his head on his hands, trying to remember the moment, but to no avail; he could only hear her words. "I think I had a vision, but it's unclear." 

"A vision?" Malik looked at his brother-in-law with worry, "about what?" 

"I-uh," Ardeth took another sip of water, calming his heart, "I don't remember." He met Nadia's eyes, "it happened too quickly - I couldn't quite grasp it." 

"I wonder if it's anything like Hasina's," Nadia groaned, wishing her sister was with them instead of whatever expedition Evelyn dragged her on. "With all that happened, she'd understand more than not." 

Ardeth agreed. "Malik, any word from Aamir?" 

"None so far. We've considered sending Ashur, but he is off-call, so I respect his wishes." Malik looked over at his wife.

"A pregnant wife is more fearful than the chief, brother," Nadia joked, "I understand her hesitance." 

Ardeth agreed with a smile, making his way to the window. It felt like yesterday when his family and friends were trapped in the building, fearful of the monster's next move. Imhotep is gone yet he continues to haunt their lives. 

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