2 | 9 ⌋ Far From Home

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Hours Later

"Look, you can try to tell me all you want, but I'm not going to believe what you say," Rick stood up from his chair and walked to where Izzy was, diverting his attention to less trivial matters. 

Ardeth shook his head, "he's reverted to the same man who fought in the desert." 

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." Rick looked at Nabila, who smirked, knowing she spoke loud enough for his ears. 

"Yes, yes, but tell me more about this gold pyramid," Johnathan scooted closer to Nabila to hear Ardeth's words better. 

"It's written that since the time of the Scorpion King, no man who's laid eyes upon it has ever returned to tell the tale."

Evelyn wanted to laugh, but accidentally made a small noise. Ardeth glanced at her with a smile, but the girl looked away, embarrassed. 

Nabila felt Johnathan's hand slide against her back. She was about to yell at him when he muttered, "Got it." He pulled his arm out with the gold scepter clutched tightly. Nabila's eyes widened at the artifact. 

"Pretty nice, eh?" Johnathan smiled, "This is all I have left in the world. The rest of my fortune was lost to..." Nabila's eyes widened, and he cleared his throat, "...some rather scaly characters."

"Johnathan, did the curator see it?" Nabila asked, taking the item in her hand. She'd heard stories of this weapon but didn't think she'd see it. 

"Yeah. Tried to rob me, but I fought back-"

"If I were you, I'd keep it close." Nabila interrupted. She handed it off to Evelyn and Ardeth so they could examine it themselves. "It may not look like it now, but that scepter plays a vital role in this fight." 

"If the curator reacted in such a way," Evelyn turned it in her hand, admiring the small details. Ardeth looked at her and smiled, "Then Nabila's right - keep it close." Evelyn returned it to her brother, who slid it into his jacket.

"My friends, the gods themselves couldn't take this-"

Izzy's hand gripped the scepter, yanking it away from Johnathan's grip, much to his dismay. He warned the Carnahan sibling to keep his hands off, so Johnathan crossed his arms and grumbled. Nabila let out a small laugh. 


Rick kept to himself the majority of the flight, trying to think of ways to save both his son and his wife, but the possibilities in his head ended with one of them living. 

"Well, aren't you far from home, sir?" Nabila walked up to him, occupying his left space. 

"Look, if you're going to try and talk to me about my fate or whatever-"

"I'm sorry, but why is it hard to believe your fates are intertwined?" Nabila occupied his left space but faced the clouds. "My husband knew of fates, and their changes, but they all have the same conclusion."

"You're married?" Rick glanced down at the amethyst ring on her hand, which he'd given to his wife a year before Alex was born. 

"I was, yes." Nabila looked down at the ring, as well. "I had a great marriage that lasted longer than I believed it to be. He and I also bore a son," Nabila smiled, "he was much like yours, but more mischievous."

"I doubt that," Rick shook his head. 

"You can doubt all you want," Nabila looked at Rick, "but that doesn't change how this plays out in the end." Rick met her gaze, "The Scorpion King will be defeated, but it will cost a life - either yours or my brother's."

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