2 | 4 ⌋ Reunion II

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If almost being drowned by a bracelet wasn't enough, Rick was ready to kill Johnathan for bringing these strange people shooting at them into their home.  He'd grabbed the older Carnahan and threw him into a different room before kicking a chair towards their attackers. By then, Meela and Hafez had returned to the cars and waited for Lock-Nah to return. 

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Evelyn stared at her nephew as he faked his search for the key necklace that belonged to the chest. After a moment, she began to search his pockets.

"Alex, I'm serious." She looked into the young boy's eyes, "If you lost the key, you're grounded." 

"I haven't lost it - I just can't find it," Alex retorted, his young eyes cast to the necklace under the couch. 

"Well, you'd better start finding them then," her patience thinning within a second. Alex promised to look for them, ignoring the item attached to his wrist. 

"Good evening," a dark voice came from behind. 

Evelyn quickly stood before her nephew, unaware of the chaos this man created upstairs. Her heart began thumping in her chest as she caught her breath; Evelyn made a promise to Hasina she intended to keep.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my home?"

"I'm looking for the chest, of course." The man spoke as if he had asked for the time. His eyes watched as Alex took the chest and hid behind Evelyn. "Give it to me now."

Annoyed, Evelyn took a sword from its holding place and pointed it at Lock-Nah, "Get out of my house." 

"Whoa, Evy." Alex took a few steps away, "Maybe not the best idea.... should  I call for Dad?"

"Alex, go back and hide," Evelyn didn't take her eyes off the man. Soon, her foe went from one to five as more men entered the house. 

"Definitely not the best idea," Alex muttered, clutching the chest. "I think it's time to yell for my dad, now." Suddenly, a hand covered his mouth and hid him in a corner. Alex didn't get to see the man's face before he appeared before his aunt. 

"I will kill you all," his eyes darted in search of the boy, "and take it anyways."

"I think not," Ardeth pulled his sword from the sheath as he stood slightly in front of Evelyn. 

"Ardeth," Evelyn whispered, "what are you doing here?" She didn't want to remember their last conversation, but alas it stood before her in all its glory.

"Perhaps explanations are best kept for later," he hoped to be given the chance to provide one.

"Ah, Ardeth Bay," said Lock-Nah.

"Lock-Nah," Ardeth replied. 

"You know him?" Evelyn asked, unaware of Alex's absence behind her. 

"Again, later."

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Rick called out for Johnathan, who decided a bubble bath was the best source of escape. He grabbed his friend by the collar, "What did you do this time?"

Johnathan fought against his grip, "I haven't done anything-"

Rounds of bullets flew through the wooden door. Rick can hear one of the men yell commands. Johnathan stayed huddled in a corner, away from the door, clutching the golden stick in his hand. He tried to recall if he'd messed with anyone who'd sent these beastly sets after him, but nothing came up. 

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