1 | 16 ⌋ Dawn of Death

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Rick climbed through a small opening and dropped onto the chamber floor. Ardeth and Johnathan followed soon after; darkness engulfed them until Rick noticed movement across the way. He took his gun and shot at the mirror, bringing light to Egypt's wealth. 

Johnathan marveled at all the gold coins and jewels that belonged to the ancient pharaohs. "Can you see-"

"Yes," Rick responded.

"Can you believe-" Johnathan stammered as he continued to walk in a circle.

"Yes," Rick responded again.

"Can we just-"

"NO." This time, Ardeth joined in with the answering, grabbing Johnathan by the collar, "If you touch anything again, I will-"

A chirping sound made all three of them jump; Ardeth and Rick pointed their guns at nothing as Johnathan pointed the useless torch in the chirping direction. The sand in front began to sink as a hand rose from its grave, clawing its way into the current world. Then another popped up until a total of five mummies appeared before them.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Rick cocked his shotgun.

"Imhotep's priests."

"Alright." Johnathan dropped the torch and began to shoot with Rick's gun. An endless wave of mummified priests aimed toward the living men, who searched for an exit amongst Egypt's hidden wealth. It wasn't long before the trio pulled back into a tunnel, leading them toward the statue of Horus.

Beni emerged from the shadows in the distance with a smirk as he saw the dead priests chase O'Connell. When he realized it was safe, Beni looked around at the vast wealth before him, giving him high hopes for his future. He found a bag and began to fill it with promised jewels and valuable coins that Imhotep gifted him.

"There he is." Johnathan lit the torches around the statue and began to search for the book of Amun-Ra as Rick and Ardth continued to shoot at the mummified priests. "Hello, Horus - old boy." 

The mummies followed the stench of breath, leading them to where the trio hid. While Johnath looked for the compartment, the warriors fought the undead as best they could. Rick grabbed a stick of dynamite and used Ardeth's beard to light a match. "Time to close the door," he said before throwing the rod at the mummies. They hid behind Horus as the explosion dismembered the priests.

"Lazuli would be upset she missed this." Ardeth chuckled, "But it would be a great story." The three stood up, and Johnathan began to search for the secret compartment. Rick looked around the statue when he noticed a certain engravement that seemed different than the rest.

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"Hasina, wake up."

Her eyes shot open as a headache overcame her ability to realize what terrible situation she and Evelyn found themselves in. Hasina tried to touch her face, but chains held them above her head. She looked at the thick cuffs and whined. "No, no, no!" She looked beside her to see a corpse that was dried up like a prune. 

"Anck-su-namun." Imhotep touched the corpse's rough cheek. Hasina watched as he touched her head, "We will rule this world together, as promised." He looked at Hasina and bowed his head before walking away. 

Evelyn woke up to the feeling of something crawling on her stomach. A rat made its way to her chest until she screamed, turning to her left, and came face to face with Anck-su-namun, Imhotep's old true love. Hasina tried to calm her but to no avail. How do you calm down a person lying next to a mummy? 

"Evelyn, calm down," Hasina whispered as Evelyn hyperventilated. "Look at me." Evelyn did, only for her to panic even more. "Evelyn, it will be alright."

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