2 | 5 ⌋ The Reunion III

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← Continuation of the previous chapter →

"The diggers showed up months ago. At first, it was a small group that'd stopped in Cairo, asking about possible digs in the desert," Ardeth began to explain. 

"Eventually, the group got bigger and they built a camp around Hamunaptra. We tried to wave them off as amateurs since the city no longer existed, but something felt strange. We'd sent a few men over to check out the area and report back within two weeks."

"That's around the time Hasina went to visit," Rick added. "She'd been having dreams and visions about Hamunaptra. I thought it was due to stress." 

"She didn't mention anything to us," Ardeth spoke lowly. "She stayed with us for two weeks. When she left, Aamir and his group were supposed to return..."

"They didn't, so she went on out there on her own without a word," Rick concluded. The emotions boiled in his soul, threatening to spill over. He wanted to hit something, but there was nothing. Instead, he looked over at Alex, who watched the two from afar. "She never said anything."

"Neither to us," Ardeth looked at his nephew, "has he had any visions or dreams?"

"No, but Evelyn has."

"When did they start?" Ardeth felt worried. 

"The start of the Egyptian New Year," Rick sighed, "same with Hasina." 

"That's around the times the diggers appeared." Ardeth showed the stone to Rick, who took it in his hand and felt his skin grow hot. 

"I can't believe I didn't-"

"No one blames you, Rick, nor should you blame yourself. Hasina kept these things to herself since the beginning, possibly to protect you and Alex from reliving those memories." 

"Do these people have her? Is she alive?" Rick begged for good news for once, but something told him this was the beginning of bad things. 

"Aamir said she was kept in a separate tent from him, but he recognized her voice whenever they spoke. If she's alive, they'd take her to the ritual."

Johnathan joined them, "what ritual?" 

"Since they removed Imhotep from his grave again-"

"I don't mean to point fingers, but isn't your job to make sure that doesn't happen?" Johnathan poked Ardeth with the stick, but the latter ignored him. 

"There is a woman with them," the trio began to walk to the car, "she knows things no one should know. She knew where the creature was buried. They were looking for the bracelet, which they now have-"

"I wouldn't get too nervous yet," Alex rolled his sleeve to reveal the ancient relic on his wrist. Rick immediately took a look at it while Johnathan questioned the material in awe. 

"When I stuck it on, I saw the pyramids of Giza! Then whoosh! Straight across the desert to Karnak," Alex saw the images flash before his eyes again. 

"You have started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse!" Ardeth worried about what this could mean for the child and his sister. 

Alex felt like puking. 

Rick looked at Ardeth, "you, lighten up." The at Alex, "you, big trouble." And finally, at Johnathan, "you, get in the car."

Rick began to speed safely through the streets of London, trying to piece together everything that happened with whatever the future holds.  A strange sense of deja vu overcame him, causing him to chuckle. 

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