1 | 17 ⌋ Resurrection

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Nadia and her brethren rode against the sands towards Hamunaptra. Since there weren't many horses, she and Malik shared a steed while Aamir and Ashur rode their own. Glancing at the sky, Nadia prayed for her siblings' survival lest the creature wanted to feel her vengeance.

"Hurry, we must make it before it's too late." She yelled back, pushing their noble steeds to speed up. Nadia's hand slipped to her thigh, where her mother's dagger rested. 

"We'll make it," Malik reassured his fiance.

"I know," Nadia answered, "I wish we brought more people. I have a feeling the four of us won't be enough."

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"Hasina?" Evelyn peered over the corpse of Anck-su-namun to see her friend lying silently, facing the other direction. Imhotep continued chanting with a smirk on his face. Suddenly, a black mist rose from the black water over Anck-su-namun's corpse. 

The resurrected mummy looked at Evelyn, who matched its level with a scream. Imhotep took hold of the sacrificial dagger and raised it above his head, preparing to remove Evelyn's organs. 

"No!" Hasina screamed, causing the dagger to fly from Imhotep's hand. He looked at the blade, then at the Nabila's reincarnate with a smile. Her powers were growing, so all he needed to return was her soul.

"Evy, I found it!" All eyes landed on Johnathan as he appeared with the golden book of Amun-Ra in his hands. Imhotep glared at the sight and began ascending the stairs.

"Shut up and get us out of here!" Hasina yanked on the chains, but they didn't budge. It was then Hasina realized that he was standing alone. Where were Rick and Ardeth?

"Open the book, Johnathan," Evelyn yelled as Imhotep walked closer to her older sibling. "It's the only way to kill him. You have to open the book and find the inscription." She pulled on her chains as Hasina felt another headache growing in the back of her head. 

"Please," Hasina begged.

"I can't open it!" Johnathan stumbled back as Imhotep got closer. "We need the key!"

"It's in his robes!" Hasina responded. Johnathan ran into the tunnel, pursued by Imhotep. "Oh, god." She whispered, feeling dizzy out of nowhere. "What is happening?" Her body felt warm yet light, like a sick child.

"Rick!" Evelyn yelled as he jumped out of nowhere with a sword. He broke her chains before checking on Hasina. "She's weak. Imhotep did something to her." Rick cut the rusty chains to free Hasina, but the latter didn't get up.

"Hey, it's me," he leaned to help her sit, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Hasina sat up and rubbed her wrists before looking at Rick. "Took you guys long enough." Rick shrugged, raising the sword to release her ankles when a mummy pulled him to the ground. "Rick!"

Evelyn grabbed his sword and broke Hasina's chains herself. "If we live through this, you can date my brother," Hasina commented before taking the sword from Evelyn's hands. The British girl smiled at the comment before a mummy grabbed her ankle; she kicked its head with her foot, falling. 

Hasina fought two mummies when she noticed a third one walking toward Rick with a tombstone. She quickly disposed of the other two in two hits before turning to Rick, "Where's my brother?"

"I don't know; we got separated." She looked a Rick, who struggled. She kicked the sword at him, but it, unfortunately, landed a few inches away from him. "Really?"

"Cut its legs off!" She yelled before turning to her mummies, loose chains swinging in her hand. "Alright. Let's dance." 

Rick struggled against the mummy's grip as its friend moved closer. He reached for the sword, but the mummy choking him was unbelievably strong. Luck came to him in the form of a crawling dead hand, so he grabbed the blade with the dead hand and swung at the mummy behind him. 

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