2 | 7 ⌋ Wicked Game

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Once Meela recovered, she walked to the balcony and admired the city lights. Despite today's events, the woman felt at ease with their outcomes, which pleased her. Everything she had to do only made the destination more glorious.

Imhotep walked up to his lover, his eyes never leaving her. She smiled, glad for their reunion and the future that pairs with it. Her hand rested in his as they marveled at the new world. 

"I will go to Ahm Shere and kill the Scorpion King," Imhotep spoke adamantly. 

"And with his army, we shall rule the world," Meela turned to face her lover, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled her close by her waist, happy with her decision to remain at his side, something they were denied many lifetimes ago. "Together."

"My lord," Hafez spoke nervously, "there is something you must know." Imhotep glared at him. "They have the scepter of Osiris - I have seen it."

Imhotep howled, angry with the new edition. "By the time we reach Ahm Shere, Nabila will return to us and aid us in the battle. We will not need the scepter."

Meel smiled, nodding at Hafez to go away. Imhotep closed his eyes; with his power, the surroundings around them changed. They were back in her room, admiring the ancient city they called home. 

Meela reverted to Anck-su-namun, adorned with gold and black markings. The jewels were heavy on her skin, especially a lazuli stone that her lover gifted her. Her wonder-filled eyes met his in a heated moment as he pulled her close, his flesh warming hers before pulling her into a kiss. 


Hasina couldn't move. 

Rick walked back towards them, trying to pull her from the haze, but she recoiled from her touch, running to the other side of the bus. He felt empty, realizing how much pain they were in - more so, Hasina probably blamed herself. 

Evelyn sat across from Ardeth to keep an eye on his wound, but the chieftain was happy for any moment with her, despite the current mood. Although he wanted to remain at her center, Ardeth knew the fight had yet to begin. He stood, walked over to Hasina, and sat across from her. 

"How are you feeling?" 

Hasina didn't speak. She covered her mouth to hide her whimpers, but the heaviness became so heavy that she couldn't breathe. Everyone gathered around her as she cried for her lost memories, her family, and her son. Her howls broke the hearts of the dead, but none could comfort her. 

Rick took hold of her wrist and embraced, so they both shed tears. Hasina didn't understand how Rick could love her in this moment after all she'd done, all she said. Rick wondered why she believed herself unlovable due to something out of her control. 

"Do not fear for your son, Lazuli," Ardeth placed his hand on her back to comfort her, "They can not hurt him, for he wears the bracelet of Anubis." 

"What?" She pulled away from Rick, "Alex is wearing the bracelet? No, we have to get him back. I'll summon Imhotep if I have to, but we can't let them have him!"

"Whoa, hey, Hasina-"

"He'll be alright -"

"He's a grown boy -"

"THE BRACELET WILL KILL HIM!" She looked at everyone before stopping at Rick, "I know his plan - all of it. He plans to defeat the Scorpion King and claim the army; the bracelet will help him get there."

"Yes, we know," Evelyn tried to speak.

"What you don't know is if they don't arrive in time, the bracelet will claim the wearer's soul for eternity," her hand went to the stone hanging from her neck, "Alex will die." She looked at Rick, "did he tell you anything?"

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