2 | 8 ⌋ An Oath to Thee

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"The more time she spends in the afterlife," Nabila and Rick's eyes met, "the harder it will be for her to return."

Nabila remained silent for the remainder of the ride; her words had cut the voices of her companions. Whenever one tried to speak, all they spoke was silence. The situation escalated rather quickly as they dealt with a spiritual battle as well as an upcoming war with Imhotep. Though she wasn't to blame, Nabila couldn't help but claim the burden as her own - Imhotep is her blood. Thus, his actions are tied to her presence.

However, the burden seemed to fall upon everyone's shoulders.

Ardeth couldn't bear to look at his "sister," especially after the ancient being said. He mentally prayed to the higher being for Hasina's return and cursed himself for allowing her to go to the dig site alone. He should've known better; Hasina was the type to do things independently, so why did he let his guard down? His emotions temporarily clouded his judgment, and now...

Evelyn stared at her hands, afraid to look anyone else in the eyes, fearing that the nightmare would be confirmed. Why is it that she's processing everything at this moment? It's Hamunaptra all over again - the dead guy came to live (not by her will, this time) and is trying to destroy the world and bring his reluctant sister back again. Hasina described the fervent agony from when Nabila took her place all those years before; now she can't even control the situation, leaving them with the Priestess. Evelyn wanted her best friend back. 

Johnathan couldn't stop tapping his foot as he sat behind Nabila, wondering: if Imhotep and his lady got close to her, would the priestess go dark and attack them like before? He glanced at his sister's cuts on her arm from the fight and feared being in Ardeth's position. 

Rick, however, was different. His wife had left him months back, and now the person next to him is a literal stranger who aided in his son's kidnapping. For all he knew, Nabila trapped Hasina's soul herself, playing the victim to soften them up. He didn't want to think of the inevitable - Rick had a plan. Safe his son, then his wife. If he had to risk his life and fight the mummy again, then he will. He'd do it all again for his family. However, his emotions tend to control them, so he locked them up and focused on arriving at their destination. 


"Magic carpet airways," Evelyn mumbled as they passed the sign. Ardeth followed her line of sight as Rick parked in front of giant wooden doors. 

"Richard," Nabila spoke, ignorant to Rick's surprising flinch, "do we really have time for this? Now is not the time for fairy-"

"Can you shut up?" Everyone was shocked by Rick's harshness, even Nabila's eyes widened. Evelyn never heard him speak this way, even in dire situations. "There's someone here who can help us get to Alex faster, so just bear with me."

Nabila sighed, "My brother brings me to life and this is how he chooses to leave me?" 

Evelyn walked beside her while Ardeth and Johnathan joined their friend/brother-in-law. 

"You should give him a chance," Evelyn looked at the guys converse with a man wearing an eye patch, "He is hurting, that's all." Nabila stayed quiet. "It took Hasina a long while to heal from the last separation, so much so that it took a toll on their relationship."

"Oh, yes - the result of such a grave scenario is their child-"

Evelyn grabbed Nabila's arm, stopping them as the men headed inside. "That child almost died because of what happened." Evelyn looked back, catching Ardeth waiting for them. "I don't know what it was like for you, but Hasina wasn't the same after Hamunaptra. The visions worsened, and she saw your brother's victims everywhere. Rick and Hasina fought to stay together, but it got worse when Alex was born."

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