1 | 6 ⌋ Glowing Silhouette

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Hamunaptra, City of the Dead
Resting Place of Imhotep

Hasina stood by her tent as everyone branched off to pick their digging places. She looked at Evelyn and Rick talking to one another, smiling sweetly. Hasina knows Rick has feelings for Evelyn - she saw them when the British woman won the race. Then again, she and Rick shared an intimate moment (even though Hasina wouldn't admit it to the man). Did Rick realize the game can only end one way?

No time for that, she thought to herself. Instead, Hasina studied her gun and ammo, ensuring she had enough for emergencies.

"Hey," a male voice stopped her in her tracks. "You're the girl from the boat." She turned to look at a man with glasses. He was a bit taller than she remembered. His glasses seemed to take light damage compared to everything else; Hasina took note of the scratches and bruises on his arm. 

"You're the man from the boat. I see you didn't heed my warning," she spoke sternly. "Can I help you?"

"Here," he handed her a brown bag wrapped in a black string, like a crappy bow. He grabbed her hand and placed it on her palm with a boyish smile. "I feel bad about the boat scene-"

"Don't be," Hasina shrugged, "it's not like you planned the attack."

"You lost your tools and things, just like us."

"Looks to me like you managed to save what you could." She looked at his brethren; their diggers were wiping off their tools while the Egyptologist set up his tent. His other friends polished their guns, aimed at nothing, and put the pieces together. "You guys probably ended with some of our stuff, too."

"Yeah," the man chuckled. "You have no idea how long it took us to" Once he saw her solemn face, he stopped talking. "Anyways, I was impressed with you during the race today, so even though you weren't the winner - here's your prize for second place." He opened the pouch to reveal the tools they needed for this expedition.

"Oh, wow." She said, looking at every tool. "Thank you, Mr?"

"Oh, I'm Bernard Burns." He chuckled, "Or just Burns."

Hasina shook her head, "Hasina."

"Nice to meet you, Hasina." Both chuckled amidst the shyness. "I'd better get back to my group before-"

"Yeah, of course." Hasina watched him take a couple of steps before calling out to him. Burns quickly turned as she reached him. "Please be careful. I know you have all the necessities, but these tunnels are dangerous. I'd hate to lose out on the wager that easily."

"The wager is in effect, then?"

Hasina nodded, shaking the tools in her hand. "I have to repay your kindness somehow, right?" One should never have debt in their name, Hasina thought.

"We'll talk more when we get back to Cairo, then." Burns gave Hasina another boyish smile before the two separated.

"Someone has an admirer already," Evelyn said with an innocent smile. Hasina looked at Rick, then back at Evelyn. "He kept staring out at you while you were setting up your tent - just like he is now." Evelyn giggled. Hasina turned around to see that Evelyn had been right. Burns was looking at her, then quickly went back to work. "I'm going to tell your grandfather," Evelyn joked.

"What did he give you?" Rick acknowledged the brown pouch. 

"Tools for our dig."


As soon as Evelyn finished setting up the mirror, Rick led them down the rope first, then everyone followed. Jonathan complained about an awful stench until Hasina pointed at Hassan, her eyes scanning over the walls as she did so. Wiping off the dust and some cobweb, she looked at the markings.

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