2 | 10 ⌋ Sands of Time

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Ancient Egypt

The halls were adorned with drawings of previous kings, telling of their greatest victories - no matter how horrific the images may be. It was a tell of their greatest accomplishments and the consequences that followed. 

Nabila enjoyed the stories, learning about the rights and wrongs of previous pharaohs; her father-in-law even spoke about his victories and regrets, hoping his son would be swayed to do better. However, since she received her gift, Nabila refused to speak of the past wars, for they now played in her mind like a brutal nightmare. 

"Are you ready?" Ramesses enters her chambers, wearing his royal emblem and attire. He looked around the room, hoping to see his wife waiting for him. Instead, he caught her on the balcony, looking at the clear sky. 

"The moon will glow red, and darkness will take the hearts of innocents," she muttered. 

Ramesses waited for another second before placing his hand gently on her shoulder. Nabila gasped, pulling herself away from his touch. Her dagger was missing from its normal place, making her feel vulnerable. 

Ramesses held her hands, waiting for her to return to reality. Once she calmed down, Nabila kept her eyes on the floor. Unsatisfied, Ramesses smiled and nudged her head to meet his eyes, "another vision?"

Nabila nodded, not trusting her words. 

"Do you wish to discuss it?" 

Nabila shook her head. 

He summoned a servant, who returned with a glass of water. Nabila drank it slowly, hoping the liquid drowned out the nightmare she'd witnessed. Once she finished, Ramesses took her hands in his again. 

"I am ready to listen, but we have other arrangements." He sighed, "Father has asked us to be present for the grand reveal."

"I'd forgotten about it," Nabila mumbled, her body weary. 

"We shall make a small appearance, then I'll tell Father you're unwell. Surely, he'd understand." Nabila smiled at her husband, her heart slowing down at the sight of him. 


Two women faced each other in the middle of the room. Each wearing a different shade of gold - one lighter and one darker - to be able to tell them apart. If that didn't work, then the crowd would remain in mystery. 

Nabila stood to the right side of the pharaoh with Ramesses and Imhotep standing to his left. They greeted each other with a simple nod and focused on the two women. Pharoah Set I straightened himself and yelled for them to commence. 

Sais clashed as the two women fought for victory, showing their training's progress. The last seemed to be over quickly as the girl in the light brown skirt was tripped by her opponent. 

"Why am I here?" Nabila looked around at the others, but their attention stayed on the mask. She pinched her skin as the women revealed themselves -Anck-su-namun towered over Nefertiti. "Evelyn?"

"Put your mask on," instructed Anck-su-namun, "let's not scar that pretty face."

Nefertiti huffed, doing a front flip to face her opponent again. Everyone murmured in surprise as the women fought a second time. Pharoah Seti I smiled, sitting on the edge of his seat. Nabila felt Ramesses hold her hand. 

In the middle of the fight, Anck-su-namun managed to disarm Nefertiti, but the latter didn't give up. The princess pulled away and did some air flips until she reached a new weapon - an axe. Anck-su-namun followed suit, throwing her sais at nearby statues and taking a spear off the walls. 

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