1 | 10 ⌋ Imhotep

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While they conversed about their new friend's demise, Evelyn kept glancing over at the professor, who struggled to pry open a book - a familiar book that also caught Hasina's eyes. At some point, Evelyn hinted that the Egyptologist needed a key to open it, which caused the medjai to become rigid. 

Everyone soon fell victim to sleep, with Rick and Hasina keeping watch in the night. She knew her brethren wouldn't attack them now since they'd warned the others, but something about this night unsettled her. Perhaps she felt uncomfortable being around Rick after their previous conversation, or it could be the way the desert wind whispered around her constantly. 

"Here," Rick appeared before her with a punch of water, "you can take the rest." Hasina thanked him, holding onto the pouch. A moment later, he quietly sat beside her. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," she lied. 

"Ah," he muttered.

After taking a small sip, she returned the pouch to him, unsure what to say next. When their hands touched, Hasina felt the air escape her lungs; a vision of heavy hands handing her a flower consumed her. Someone's laughter echoed around her when the flower burned her hand. She hissed, pulling her hand away from the fire.

"Jesus, what'd you do that for?" He quickly poured some of the water on the burn, unknowingly hypnotizing Hasina even more. She watched as he wrapped a cloth around her wound. "Better?"

She didn't trust her voice, so Hasina nodded. 

"Look, I'm sorry about the other night-"

"No, Rick, I should be sorry," her head fell against her hands. He'd said his part, so she prepared her words carefully. "Honestly, I didn't think you'd remember when we saw each other at the bar. I'd hoped you didn't because guilt plagued me since that night, but after learning about you,"

"Who was I?"

"The Legionnaire they let go," neither of them needed to say more on that topic, "I couldn't do anything. It only hardened after Hassan gave your sentence." The shadows danced across their faces as they stared at one another. "You lost the last few years because of me, and I'm so sorry." I wish you were someone else; we'd figure out a way. 

"It's okay," Rick sighed, "It's not like we can change much now."

Behind them, Evelyn stealthily went to the Americans' campsite, took the book from the Egyptologist's arms, replaced it with one of his books, and returned to her site. She didn't realize both fighters watched Evelyn until Hasina said, "Isn't that stealing?"

The librarian jumped, dropping the book upon the sand; whispers emitted from the ancient pages, beckoning Hasina towards them. "According to my brother, it's called borrowing." Evelyn settled between her two friends, putting the book on full display. 

"I thought the book of Amun-Ra was made of gold," Rick examined the edges and hieroglyphics. 

"This isn't the book of Amun-Ra," her light reached her eyes, scanning over the book. The whispers grew louder for Hasina as she spoke, "This is the book of the dead."

"Uh, are you sure you want to play around with this?" Rick created space between him and the book, unaware of its effects on Hasina. Evelyn took the key from her brother's pocket and placed it on the cover.

"No harm has ever come from reading a book," Evelyn went to turn it, but a hand stopped her. The fire made Hasina's eyes glow as she pleaded with her friend, "Don't mess with things you don't understand. Leave the book alone."

Evelyn scoffed playfully, turning the key; the book popped open, and its holder flipped the cover open. No one noticed the light dim slightly. "Amun-ra, Amun-dei; it speaks of night and day."

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