1 | 19⌋ The End of Us

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Hasina groaned, spitting the sand grains from her mouth. The headache made its presence known immediately, but she'd grown used to it. Her body fought against her as she stood up, regaining control of her body. "I never want to do that again." She felt like she woke up from a nap, but this was no dream - that damned creature still plagued her. 

Looking around, she noticed Evelyn rapidly scanning the hieroglyphics in the Book of the Dead while Johnathan urged her to hurry. Her eyes then went to Imhotep, who taunted Rick in his home tongue while his opponent tried to get a good angle on him. Not far from where she lay, Hasina noticed her family's artifact beckoning her with a golden light. 

Imhotep felt joy watching Jabari, a man who weakened his sister's mind, in constant pain. Slamming the filthy mortal against the wall was bound to break the latter's will to fight - it's just a matter of who held more power, and Rick was losing bit by bit. "Now," he took hold of Rick's neck, lifting him into the sky, "your time is up, Jabari." 

"Who the hell is Jabari?" Rick groaned. 

His response seemed to anger Imhotep who tightened his grasp, turning Rick from a golden tan to a purple shade. Hasina grabbed a fistful of sand in one hand and twirled the dagger in the other, prepared to pounce on Imhotep when Evelyn cried out, "I've got it." 

All three looked at the librarian as she spoke with a smile, "Kadish mal, Kadish mal. Para doos, para doos."

Imhotep threw Rick to the side when the sound of horses echoed from the chamber's entrance. Everyone - except for Imhotep - stood in awe as a ghostly blue chariot raced down the steps and passed through the creature; his immortal soul being ripped apart from his body caused heartache in Hasina as she ran to Rick. "You okay?"

"yeah," Rick held her close, "can't get rid of me that easily." 

Imhotep chased after his soul, but the chariot disappeared in the same manner as its entrance; Hasina felt pity for the once powerful man to fall to his knees. Nabila's memories faded into black-and-white, but Hasina forced them away in time to witness Imhotep rise and stalk in their direction. 

"I thought you said it was going to kill him," Rick looked at Evelyn. 

Hasina took Rick's sword and stabbed Imhotep, much to everyone's shock. Imhotep looked down at the sword, then at Hasina with such dismay. Instead, she trusted the blade deeper before stabbing him in the heart for good measure. 

"He's mortal," Evelyn spoke up. 

"Traitor," Imhotep whispered, holding Hasina's face in his cold hands. The medjai pulled the sword out, staining the sand with blood, but left the dagger in his heart. "Takes one to know one, brother."

Holding his wound, the mummy staggered backward into the pool of black water, where the souls of the undead ate his flesh. The group watched as he reverted to his original state; his eyes never left Nabila's reincarnation. "Death is only the beginning."  The words remained with Hasina, stinging her heart yet again. 

Evelyn ran to her newfound friend "I thought we lost you!" Hasina didn't react much, recovering from the mental and spiritual warfare that man tortured her with. Her arms wrapped around Evelyn lightly, but the latter didn't notice. Rick was about to do the same when rocks began to fall from the ceiling, followed by an earthquake. 

"Time to go!" Rick took hold of Hasina's wrist, pulling her out of the daze while the four ran through the catacombs, searching for an exit. Evelyn followed closely behind, holding the hem of her dress as they ran up the stairs when she heard Johnathan whimper behind her; he'd tripped. "Johnathan, you lost the book? I can't believe that-" 

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