1 | 9 ⌋ The Mummy

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Evelyn dreaded the morning sun as she rose from the sands. Her body felt sore, but her head felt worse. Taking a step forward, Evelyn accidentally tripped over her brother, waking up Rick. As soon as she was able, Evelyn scolded Johnathan for allowing her to get drunk, but all he did was shush her because he had his headache to deal with.

"You fell asleep after he did," Rick pointed out, causing Evelyn to blush. Hasina stood at a distance, looking and wondering what happened between the two. "After you told me it was the best night of your life." Evelyn became a tomato and quickly turned away from the American.

"Here," Hasina walked past Rick to Evelyn, a jug of water in her hand. "Water, it helps a lot."

Hasina fought the urge to look at O'Connell because of their conversation the previous night - especially since she left him to babysit the Carnahan siblings in their drunken beauty sleep. Using Burns as an excuse, Hasina went back to inspect the tunnels of Hamunaptra, hoping the light would show her a way to prevent the mummy's return. The silhouette made no appearance that night.

Rather than return to her group, Hasina spent the night in Burns' tent. He gladly kept her distracted by telling her about his travels and homeland; their conversations lasted for many hours before both succumbed to a sleeping spell. By morning, Burns kept her in his arms until the sun woke up the other residents.

"How was your night with Burns?" Evelyn tapped Hasina on the shoulder lightly to avoid another face-to-gun scenario like yesterday. Hasina felt confused as to how the librarian knew about her night. "Rick told me you went to check on them, but when I didn't see you this morning-"

"What did he tell you?"

"You decided to help the Americans by 'babysitting' their tents and ended up falling asleep in Burn's tent." Hasina nodded, wondering if Rick revealed their conversation to the girl. Instead, Hasina looked at her with a smile and grabbed the water jug. "You must really like him."

"He's different that what I'm used to," Rick passed by as Hasina spoke, but neither paid any mind to the other. "I pray that all of us make it out of this cursed place."

"When we do, you can finally go out with Burns," Evelyn squealed before they made their way down the tunnels in search of their newfound artifact. "I wonder if he found it yet," she mumbled.

"Found what?" Rick asked, examining the ancient lettering alongside her.

On cue, the scrawny Carnahan sibling ran into the room with a dark object in his hand. Once she got a clear view, Hasina cursed him for finding the object as he ran past her and handed it over to Evelyn. "Found it near the other campsite."

"Maybe one of those desert people tried to take it during their attack." Evelyn opened the object and placed it in the lock.

"Maybe." Rick stood beside Evelyn but kept his eyes on Hasina, who rolled his eyes at him. He turned his attention back on Evelyn. The Carnahan woman looked between both of them and then at her brother.

"Can you three push this against the wall?"

"You want us three-" Hasina gestured to herself, Johnathan, and Rick "- to push that heavy sarcophagus and its corpse up against the wall?"

"Stop complaining," Rick spoke. He gestured for her to take his previous spot as he stood at the foot of the sarcophagus. She did as Evelyn asked, straining as the three lifted the cursed object to stand upright. After a few struggles, they managed to reach them.

"I say, good work." Johnathan leaned against the thing. Both Hasina and Rick looked at him. "What?"

"You complained more than I." Hasina chuckled through her words; she stopped once she looked at Rick. The memory of that night was fresh in her mind again, and she wanted it out. She trained her eyes on Evelyn as she placed the key in its place.

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