2 | 11 ⌋ Fear of the Water

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A day had passed, and Nabila was proud of their success; catching up to Imhotep wasn't for the weak, but they had a common goal that pushed their limits. 

The sun took its place in the highest part of the sky, blessing her with warmth after such a horrid altercation with her brother. Since their powers were growing, it meant they were close. While he had Anck-su-namun to help him, Nabila remembered how to manage hers. Still, it took a toll on her strength, but she worried how Hasina felt. 

"You okay?" 

Nabila opened her eyes to see Rick watching her, his hands fiddling with his gun. Based on the stain on his hand, he'd cleaned it for the millionth time on this trip - it's one way to clear your head. It must be nice to have the option.

"I am well," she lied, "how are you and the others?"

"Well," Rick placed his gun down and stood next to Nabila, "Evelyn began to talk about how the Nile belonged to the upper kingdom, so I let Ardeth take in that moment. Johnthan is failing to reclaim his gold stick." A deep breath later, "They're handling it well."

"I'm glad, I know such things can cause a burden."

"Yeah, well..."

"I want to apologize." 

Rick stood up straight, "for what?" 

"The things I did, the stuff I said.."

"Stop," Rick mumbled, shaking his head. "It wasn't you - it was him." Nabila tried to interject, but Rick put his hand up, making her stand down. "If anything, I should apologize for being so cold after you - well, he through you - attacked us. You were trying to find ways to help us and I brushed you off."

"You had every right to, Rick. It's not like I made it easy on you and your company." Nabila looked at him; the way the eyes glowed with the sun entranced her, but she pulled away from the thought. "Either way, I'm glad we're working together this time."

"As opposed to?" Rick glanced at his wife - no, the priestess. The creature trapped her soul in the other world, so this woman next to him.... he misses his wife. 

"As opposed to fighting each other to death," the attack in London played like a film; Hasina tried to way her, but the fury coursing through was stronger than her remorse, so Nabila attacked with limits to silence her. It hadn't been her truly, but she did have a hand in the damage. "I'm sure we'll reach your son before it's too late."

"Alex is a smart kid," Rick smiled, "brains from his mother and brawns....also from his mother." Both laughed, "but he gets his good looks from me." 

Nabila laughed, memories of her loved one within reach. "I dare to disagree." 


Although they seemed ahead, Alex didn't fail to create another mark in case they returned for a break. His plan crumbles as Lock-Nah jumps on the symbol, "surprised to see me?" Lock-Nah grabs Alex until they're eye-to-eye, "leaving bread crumbs, huh?" He proceeds to shake the boy.

"Lock-Nah," the guard looks over at Imhotep, who is in the waist-deep waters, "put the boy down," Alex smirked as Lock-Nah followed the command. Imhotep looks at the spawn with a smile on his face, "I hope your family enjoyed their journey."

With a wave of his hand, the waters around him came to life and created a barricade between them and the O'Connells. Anck-su-naum and Lock-Nah stepped back until they felt the rocks behind them while Hafez stood by the riverside, amazed by his master's powers. Alex felt fury and worry at the same time. 

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