1 | 15 ⌋ City of the Dead

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If the wall of sand didn't kill them, the explosion finished the job. 

Hasina wasn't sure how to feel since she saw the plane crash into the dune. Knowing Ardeth, Rick, and Johnathan perished before either lady stopped Imhotep's attack -- she held part of the blame. Evelyn took the initiative by kissing the creature, who instantly wrapped his arms around the librarian, but it was too late. 

Hasina ran to punch the monster and watched his skin turn to sand before he retaliated by grabbing her by the throat. She couldn't fight back; Imhotep smirked at her weakness. He dropped her like a stone in water, sinking to the depths of no return. Evelyn ran to her, mourning the loss of their friends and family.

Together, the quartet enters Hamupatra.

Memories of her entering with four others blinded Hasina. Hassan, Evelyn, Rick, and Johnathan were blind to the truth that led them to death. She thought about Burns and his friends; their tragic fates were forever etched in the sands. She became numb to her awaiting death - not even Evelyn's warmth could draw her back. 

The girls held each other close as they walked down the stairs, nudged by Beni every so often until Evelyn had enough. 

"You know, nasty little fellows, such as yourself, always get their comeuppance." She glared at the coward. 

"Yeah?" Beni laughed at her words before seeing a dark look that matched Evelyn's glare in Hasina's eyes. Chills ran through his body. As he imagined his death in Hamunaptra, Beni slowly reverted to the cowardly man they knew. 

Hasina took a step up to match Evelyn's level. "Oh, yes, always." Her eyes seemed to glow, which freaked Beni out even more. "I just pray that we're there to see it." Her smile was cynical as she walked down the steps. Evelyn smirked and followed until they reached a moat filled with black water. 

Beni chewed on his lip as they continued their journey into the temple. Hasina heard whispers beckoning her from the water, but Evelyn grabbed her arm to prevent her from going anywhere, and Hasina was thankful for that. Imhotep silenced them by raising his hand, looking back at Nabila's reincarnation with a smile. "You hear them, too."

"Do I have a choice?" She snapped back. "What if she doesn't want to come back? What if she never forgives you for leaving her behind?"

"Silence!" Imhotep was in Hasina's face. Evelyn stood behind the Medjai as Imhotep looked at her, too. After a moment, his eyes softened, and he returned to the canopic jars. A part of Hasina felt that he would turn his back on her, just as he had done many lifetimes ago. "It is time to begin."

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Rick and Ardeth found an entryway blocked by massive rocks and began to pull them away while Johnathan gave them "encouraging" words, silenced by a single glare from the two men. That's when he noticed an amethyst scarab on a wall. 

"I say," he took one of the small chisels and used it to wiggle the blue object accessible. "Gents, come look at this." He looked at the surface of the shell when it began to squirm in his hand.

The jewel broke and revealed a live scarab in its place, much too late for Johnathan to throw it. It burrowed itself into Johnathan's palm, causing the man to scream. Ardeth grabbed one of Johnathan's arms while Rick ripped the shirt open to see the bug crawling underneath Johnathan's arm.

"Hold on," Rick mumbled as he pulled out a small butterfly knife, causing Johnathan to squirm even more. Ardeth wrapped his arm around Johnathan's chest as he screamed in terror; Rick gave him a wound big enough to pull the scarab out and tossed it across the floor. The scarab returned to Johnathan, but Rick killed it with a bullet. 

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