1 | 12 ⌋ We Meet Again

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Her grandfather's words echoed endlessly through her head, drowning the croaks filling the air. How could she be the reincarnation of such a person? It didn't feel right. Hasina stared at the streets below, counting the frogs that claimed Fort Bryon as their own. Dr. Bey's words began to simmer as she recounted the plagues present thus far. "Locusts, darkness, frogs, blood..."

"So, who opened the crate?" Rick kept his eyes on the group, but his eyes occasionally wandered over to the girl by the window. When he looked at Evelyn, he shuddered at her all-knowing smile. 

"Well, there was Daniels and me here," Henderson leaned on the chair with concentration etched into his eyes, "and then poor Burns, of course." A tear fell from a pair of lazuli eyes. She leaned against the wall, sat on the floor, and tried to gather her senses. "And the Egyptologist fella!". 

"What about my buddy, Beni?" Rick questioned.

"Naw, he screamed outta there before we could open the damn thing," Daniels chuckled. "Yeah, he was the smart one," Henderson added. "Ran off after the diggers."

"Yeah, that sounds like Beni," O'Connell muttered.

"Locusts, scarabs, darkness," Hasina repeated to herself.

"We must find the Egyptologist," Evelyn spoke after a moment of silence and heavy thinking. "Before the creature can get to him." Evelyn looked at the men and finally at Rick. "He may be safer here than outside."

Rick eyed the door a second time before shaking his head. "Okay, you wait here." He looked at Daniel, Henderson, and Johnathan, "You three, come with me." 

Hasina turned as everyone pounced on Rick's decision. Henderson and Daniels protested leaving for their safety while Evelyn antagonized his leadership skills. Johnathan wanted to stay away from danger. Hasina stepped forward to peak, but Rick grabbed and locked Evelyn in her room. Johnathan stood behind Hasina, listening to Evelyn pound on the door. 

In an instant, Rick pushed Daniels against the door. "This door doesn't open; no one comes in, and she doesn't come out." Daniels nodded quickly. Looking at Henderson, the blonde man promptly nodded.

 "A locked door won't stop the creature." Hasina finally spoke out. All eyes fell on her, making her feel so small, but she didn't show it. "He can sneak in any opening - like a window," she gestured to the one in the living room.

"Why the hell are you still here?" Henderson pointed a gun at her. "Come to finish the attack your people started?" 

"Typical Americans, blaming everyone else for the problems you started" Hasina sat in one of the seats, "If I wanted you dead, you would be." She looked at Rick, "I am here to help you guard your damsels in distress."

"I am not a damsel in distress!" Evelyn screamed through the locked doors. Hasina chuckled, missing the spark the Carnahan woman provided. Johnathan looked at Hasina, "Aren't you a damsel in distress?"

"Only when I want to be." Hasina sat down. "Trust me when I say: I don't want to be here either," that was a lie. Ever since the gathering at the Museum, Hasina worried for the group and expressed it to her sister. Ardeth thought it was good for her to remain with them while he and other tribe leaders met. "However, fate has kindly brought us together for a wonderful adventure, and I intend to see it end. Don't you?" They all looked at each other. "Good, now put your toys away before you endanger yourselves even further."

"Right." Rick looked back at Johnathan, "Let's go."

"Me?" Johnathan's eyes widened as he pointed at himself. Hasina rolled her eyes at his cowardice.

"Johnathan, you know about the ten plagues, correct?" The Englishman nodded. "Do you recall the last plague before the king let the Hebrews go?" Johnathan's mouth dried up. "If you don't go with Rick, you'll never see your sister again, so I suggest you gather courage and help Rick find that damned professor. Understood?"

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