1 | 13 ⌋ La Solution

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Ardeth waited for Hasina and her group to meet him at the museum; he wrote a message for the elders and allowed Horus to deliver it. "Do you think he will make it in time?" 

Ardeth looked at his baby sister, pulling her close, "I know he will." Horus made a single turn before flying off into the sky, disappearing into a dark cloud. A loud buzzing sound doon filled the air as flies claimed the sky as their own. Ardeth and Nadia quickly ran inside the museum.

A few miles away, Hasina and her group rush into the car and drive through the newborn plague. As they sped past the civilians, Evelyn noticed animals lying on the ground; flies landed on them, feasting. Hasina felt like throwing up but kept her head clear. A sharp turn nearly knocked her out of the car, but Rick took hold of her wrist and pulled her close. 

Why does he look familiar?

Hasina kept her head covered as they reached the museum entrance. "We have to hurry!" A headache made its home as they ran up the stairs; the pain nearly made her fall, but Daniels caught her, and Evelyn guided her in. At that moment, the plague ceased to bother them, but no one noticed as Ardeth and Johnathan closed the doors. 

"Are you okay, Lazuli?" Nadia took her place by Hasina's side as Ardeth and Terrence led them up the stairs. Hasina nodded, "I will be once this is over." 

"According to the legend of the black book the Egyptologist found, it's supposed to bring people back from the dead- which wasn't something I believed until now." Nadia noticed her Ardeth staying close to the Carnahan woman. 

"Better believe it, Evelyn," Hasina commented. "It's what brought our buddy back to life," Rick said as he looked around at all the statues of ancient Egypt. 

"So, if the black book can give life," Aamir spoke from the back of the group, allowing his brother to finish his sentence, "then the gold book can take life away."

"I thought that was our job?" Ashur commented, making everyone - except Daniels, who glanced nervously - chuckle. 

"Well, that is the myth." She looked at Dr. Bey, "Since we found the black book, we just need to find out where the gold book is hidden." Evelyn's eyes landed on a simple stone slab that she believed held the secret location of the book of Amun-Ra. "Here we go." She began to read over the hieroglyphics. Before she could finish reading, a low chanting from outside caught everyone's attention. 

"Imhotep....Imhotep.... Imhotep." 

Hasina remained in place as everyone looked out of the window. The crowd below seemed trance as they marched towards the building. From where they stood, the group noticed the boils and sores that covered the civilians of Cairo.

"Last but not least, my favorite plague: boils and sores," Johnathan spoke as they all looked at the people.

"They've become his slaves," Nadia spoke beside Hasina, holding her sister's hand as comfort. They both turned as Ardeth said, "Then it has begun - the beginning of the end."

"There's one more left," Hasina spoke. Dark blue orbs became pools of fear and anger as the realization hit her. "So long as he doesn't unleash the last plague, we have time." The medjai turned to Evelyn, "Any progress?"

"What plague? Imhotep used all..."

"Death of the firstborn son," Johnathan rebuked. He met Hasina's eyes, "The last plague is the death of the firstborn." He changed to face his sister and saw the tears dwell in her beautiful angelic eyes. They'd lost their parents, so they depended on one another. How could they survive without each other?

"According to Bembridge scholars, they located the golden book of Amun-Ra inside the statue of Anubis." Her hand ran over the ancient symbols,  forcing herself to focus on the task.

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