2 | 13 ⌋ Daylight Scars

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Once they'd shot down enough men, the trio took their weapons and ran down the cliff to reach their families. Hasina practically jumped to her family while Evelyn was more careful since Johnathan stumbled often.

Ahead of them, Imhotep stopped walking, adoring the silence. His eyes closed and he smiled, "We have company."


Once there was a clearing, Rick put Alex down and removed the chains with the end of his gun. Ardeth found them a moment later, followed by the others.

Evelyn dropped her gun and ran into Ardeth's arms, thanking god that he was okay. "I thought I lost you again," she whispered in his ear. "Your outfit is dark, I had trouble finding you-"

Ardeth cut her off with a kiss - one that was long overdue. Evelyn didn't push him away, enjoying this moment. After a moment, they separated; Ardeth realized her eyes were glowing like his sister's.

Hasina ran to her husband, hitting him for scaring her before looking at her son. Alex didn't know who she was since the last time he saw her, they were under attack. Rick released his wife and walked to his son, "Go on - that's her."

That's all Alex needed to hear before running into his mother's arms, tears streaming down their faces. Hasina apologized for everything, but Alex was happy to have her back again.

"Hey, what were those creepy pigmy things?" Johnathan asked Rick.

"Oh, just the local natives."

"The sun!" Alex screamed, watching the sky turn gold. "We have to hurry - time's almost up!" He pulled Hasina's hand and they began to run. It was at that moment Hasina remembered the prophecy. The others started to follow, ignoring Johnathan's protests. Ardeth made sure Evelyn ran in front of him. 

Things only improved as they heard the sheer cries of pygmy mummies following behind them. It seems they were looking for new meals since everyone else was gone. 

"I thought you said it was nothing!" Johnathan screamed. 

"No, I didn't!" Rick caught up to his wife and son, taking Alex into his arms as they ran to the pyramid. 

Johnathan screamed as a rogue red guard appeared, seeking refuge from those little monsters. He ran beside them, hoping they'd lead him to salvation because this wasn't what he signed up for!

"Look!" Johnathan screamed at his companion, "There's a burial ground! We'll be safe! See those scared stones there - they can't cross those." He and the guard stood within the stones. 

"You're sure?" The man pleaded.

Johnathan felt offended, "Yes, of course, I'm sure!" 

Evelyn and Ardeth ran past them, "Quit playing around! Let's go!" 

Five pigmies jumped on the red guard, ending his life with a dart and several bites. Johnathan fell on his butt, screaming at the sight of it; one of the pygmies screamed. "Sorry, my mistake. Best of luck to you!" Johnathan kicked the mummy away and ran after his sister.

The O'Connells avoided the attacks since Hasina used her power to create a veil between them and the creatures. They'd crossed a log, realizing the others were still behind. 

"Go," she looked at Rick, "I'll hold them down." 

Rick nodded, kissing his wife. Hasina hugged Alex, kissing his forehead before the men continued on the path. Ardeth and Evelyn caught up to her, "Where's Johnathan?"

The man in question screamed for his life as a wave of pygmies chased him through the oasis. "Help me!" He saw the group waiting for him. 

Hasina looked at Evelyn and nodded; their eyes began to glow as they raced back to the other side, allowing Johnathan to pass them. The girls raised their hands and created a forcefield, making the pygmies crash into it. Hasina then used her power to roast the creatures, ignoring their pleas. 

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