2 ⌋ 14 | Avenging Blood

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Imhotep fought his familial instinct to look over at his sister; feeling the pain in his abdomen isn't something he took into account after Anck-su-namun stabbed his sister, but their bond severed the moment she decided to help his murderers. 

"Are you well, my love?" Anck-su-namun touched his shoulder, worried about the pained expression in his eyes. Is he beginning to regret their choices? 

"I am preparing to slay the scorpion king," he looked over at his love, "I am well." 

She smiled and continued to follow him steadily, wondering how her sister-in-law was faring in the underworld.


Rick didn't like the feeling of his wife's corpse in his hand, but he couldn't bring himself to let go. He nearly lost her once, and truly lost her twice - how many times did this 'fate' intend to keep them apart? Forever, it seemed. His eyes were dry from the tears and sand, but he couldn't move. He begged his wife to wake up again. His words fell into nothing.

He looked over at his son, who stayed cradled in Johnathan's arms; his eyes stayed on his mom, but the lack of emotion truly scared Rick. He never wished this hurt upon his worst enemy and yet, his own flesh and blood witnessed the death of his beloved. 

Johnathan shed his tears but refused to look at her entirely. Instead, he kept mumbling, "Everything's gonna be okay" to Alex, who wasn't even listening.  

There was only so much time left before Imhotep ceremoniously awakens the monster. Rick laid his wife on the ground, softly, and walked over to Alex, pulling him in an embrace. "Alex, I have an important job for you." 

Alex nodded, his eyes never leaving his mom. It reminded him of the times he'd sleep beside her - she looked so peaceful, even now, in her death. 

"I need you to protect your mom, okay?" Rick pulled away to meet Alex's blue eyes, "I have to go, and end this." 


Anck-su-namun and Imhotep began to descend into an underground room, decored in gold and color. The mistress smiled anxiously as the life they wanted was within reach while Imhotep remained stoic. 

Once they took the last step, a blue mist surrounded them, tearing Imhotep's power from his flesh. His agonizing screams reached Anck-su-namun, who reached for him through the blue mist but it burned her hands. The mist disappeared with the power he fought to obtain; the lives sacrificed were meaningless now. 

Anck-su-namun ran to Imhotep, her eyes filled with fear, "What was that?"

"The great god Anubis has taken my powers," Imhotep explained. He clutched at his chest, catching his breath. His mind wandered to Nabila; did she feel this in Hamunaptra, when he tried to kill her reincarnation? "It seems he wishes for me to fight as a mortal."

"No, you can't-" Anck-su-namun whispered. She placed her hand on his back to help him up, but he shrugged off her touch. He helped himself up, looked her in the eye, and proceeded ahead with her at a distance. 


After some more tears were shed, Risk managed to separate himself from his son and he made Johnathan promise (with his life) to protect his son. 

He walked into the pyramid with the shotgun strapped to his back. He looked both ways, trying to remember where the creature was heading when he realized something: Alex's bracelet was missing. 


Hafez carefully passed by the O'Connells to obtain the bracelet for his master. He was surprised they'd actually gone through with killing the spare woman, but it was only a small bump in this great plan they'd set in motion. While his master searched for the scorpion king's tomb, Hafez made it his mission to find the statue to awaken him. 

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