1 | 7 ⌋ Welcome the Dead

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The Tomb of Imhotep

"According to these hieroglyphics, we're underneath the statue. We should come up right between the legs of Anubis." Evelyn spoke as she stood on top of one more miniature statue on the ground while Rick attacked the roof with the pickaxe and sledgehammer. Hasina looked at some symbolic figures while Johnathan played golf with a sledgehammer and some rocks.

"Are you sure you can find the secret compartment?" Rick questioned, looking between Evelyn and Hasina as the two girls began to look in Evelyn's book. Hasina looked up to meet his eyes and nodded.

"And when those dirty Yanks go to sleep," Johnathan looked at Rick, the memory of his powerful punch replayed endlessly, "no offense-"

"None taken." The American said as he returned to the task at hand. Hasina stood beside Rick to look at his progress, telling him to hit with a more significant impact before the pair looked at the lazy Brit of a man.

"- We'll sneak up and steal that book right out from under them." Johnathan took another shot before Hasina walked toward him, asking for the sledgehammer. He nodded, choosing the one Rick had used as a trade before proceeding with his game. "Hopefully, the Egyptologist doesn't find it first," Evelyn sighed, her eyes still on her father's handwriting.

"He won't," Hasina looked at Evelyn. "He doesn't seem like a good Egyptologist, and you have important information he doesn't have." She gestured towards the late Carnahan's journal. She decided to keep the whispers to herself as Evelyn embraced the secret Medjai. Hasina wasn't sure how to take it, so she patted the woman's back.

"I say, where has our smelly friend - I mean, your uncle," Johnathan gestured to Hasina, "got himself up to?"

Hasina wondered as she took in the quiet within the Warden's absence. Hassan followed them, but he vanished the minute they got to work. She looked around the entrance of the tunnel but saw no shadow. "He couldn't have gotten far," her voice echoed lightly through the temple halls. 

"Why don't we take a break?" Evelyn looked at Hasina, "Why don't you tell me about the bet between you and Burns?"

Hasina instantly regretted being friendly with the man. Based on their first meeting, Hasina assumed the man would declare her a lunatic and stamp her as a rival in his mind, but Burns showed that he desired something more from their deal when he gave her the digging tools. "I told him Hamunaptra's cursed, and he won't make it home."

"You have a way with men, Hasina," Rick chuckled.

"That's horrid. Why would you tell Burns that?"

Hasina shrugged her shoulders. "Most people who chase after the city dies within miles of the perimeter, as do the animals. Aside from Rick and his friend, no one else spoke about Seti's gold. If Hamunaptra doesn't claim them, then the desert will."

Evelyn looked at Rick, then back at her companion. "Uh-huh, and what was the wager?"

"If he dies, then I proved my point." Evelyn's eyes widened at the relaxed tone the other girl spoke in. "If he lives, I'll let him take me out on a date." Hasina grabbed the tools from her pocket, "the tools sealed the bet."

"Wow," is all Evelyn could say. "I can't believe you told him he has to survive to win the bet - you make it seem like death is lurking around every corner." A series of chuckles escaped the girls, but Evelyn felt the need to say something. "it'd be nice to see you have fun outside of the museum; I'm sure your grandfather would appreciate it, as well."

"Listen, I only promised one date - not my hand in marriage. besides, I am quite busy with my current schedule, anyways." Hasina glanced at Rick, who paid more attention to his gun than the conversation. 

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