1 | 4 ⌋ Rivals and Revelations

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Giza Port, Egypt 1926

"Nabila, welcome home." She walked through the veils around her room. A man in black robes stood by the entrance, watching with loving eyes. Beside him was a beautiful woman with onyx hair. Her skin is adorned with exquisite designs. Next to the woman was a man who seemed older than the girl, but not by much. Hasina felt herself smile at them before she ran over to her brother, jumping in his arms. "Do you like it, Nabila?"

"Yes, brother." She looked around the room - her room. She didn't have this back home. Her smile faltered, but she didn't show it to her brother. Instead, she walked over to the balcony and looked at the stars. "I love it."

Hasina woke in a cold sweat, feeling a sudden warmth around her. Quickly, she sat up to see herself lying in her Cairo apartment, not in the desert nor within ancient times. Rather than dwell on the mission ahead, Hasina readied herself for Hassan's arrival.

Staring into the mirror, she no longer saw the carefree girl she was in her youth. Instead, her blue eyes darkened into the depths of the ocean waters, earning her the nickname Lazuli - though only a handful called her by that name. One of those people is Rick, of course. 

Rick, the French Foreign Legionnaire who escaped death. I wonder if he remembers me - NO!

Shaking her head, Hasina forced that man's name out of her head before putting her long black hair in a bun. Wearing a red tank top with a black button-up shirt and jeans with her regular boots, Hasina felt prepared, but a knock on the door made her rethink the plan.

"What!?" She growled, facing the overweight man.

"Good morning, my beautiful companion." He marched past her and settled on her couch, "Lovely day for a trip, isn't it?" 

Hasina rolled her eyes, "what are you doing here, Hassan? I'd told you that we'd meet at the port?" She took a sip of water, watching the man examine her trinkets. "Please put that down - it's too soon to kill you."

Hassan gulped. "I'm just trying to get into character."

"Okay, fine." She took the spot in front of him. "What's the story?"

"You're my adopted daughter who gladly joined me on this trip to protect my investments. My wife died giving birth to you, and we're estranged; this trip can bring us closer together." Hassan smiled widely, proud of the story he concocted with Ardeth and Terrence. "Pretty good, no?"

"What's my name?"


"What's my name in the story?"

"Hasina, who else?" The medjai shook her head. "What else can you be called? You only have one name unless you want to be Ruby - rubies are gorgeous yet rare." He wiggled his eyebrows. Hasina retaliated by throwing her dagger toward the wall behind him.

"Look at me like that again, and I'll give you a present in a tiny box."


The port was clouded in dust and sand as people made their way to the boat, heavy bags following their master. Men in suits nodded at each other while well-dressed ladies chatted the latest gossip of Cairo. Hasina recognized a few faces but made no move to conversate - she had to focus on the mission. Hassan walked ahead of her, humming while envisioning rare jewels surrounding him.

The medjai wondered if she could complete the mission without him.

"Good morning!" He screeched, catching the attention of the librarian and her brother. Hasina pretended to look around while Hassan shuffled over to the Carnahans. "I'm here to protect my investment," he stated proudly. 

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