2 ⌊Prologue⌋

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Thebes, Egypt 3067 B.C.

5,000 years ago

A fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King led a great army on a campaign to conquer the known world.

Beneath the scorching sun, thousands of men stood in formation. One side stood before the great walls of the city of Thebes, their birthplace while their opponents held the emblem of the scorpion on their weapons and shields. The warriors raised their weapons and screamed - a warning of certain death. 

One man stood out amongst the enemy lines, the bracelet upon his thick wrist signaled his leadership; The Scorpion King aimed his sword at Thebes and spoke, "Haku machen tei!"  Without hesitation, his men followed command and clashed with their opponents, creating a cloud of dust and blood. 

After a vicious campaign, which lasted seven long years, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated and driven deep into the sacred desert of Ahm Shere. One by one, they slowly perished under the scorching sun until the great warrior himself was left alive. 

Near death, the Scorpion King made a pact with the dark go Anubis; if Anubi would spare his life and let him conquer his enemies, he would give Anubis his soul. Anubis accepted his offer and spared his life. 

His patience was low as he waited for the dark god's response. A moment later, a black scorpion rose from the sands and crawled to him. Deep within his soul, the warrior knew he received acceptance and had taken hold of the creature. Despite its struggle, the warrior took a bit of the scorpion, sealing the pact. 

Suddenly, grass and trees sprouted from the desert, spreading as far as the eye could see. The warrior stood and admired the work, unaware of the misfortunes this place would protect. At the edge of the new oasis, the soldiers of Anubis waited for the Scorpion King's command - he knew exactly who to conquer first. 

Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army. Like an evil flood, they washed away all that lay before them. 

He'd made it to Thebes faster than the first time; perhaps it was the new power or the sudden bloodlust that grew with his army. They ambushed his previous opponents: throwing them from tall pillars, and spilling the blood of innocents. He looked around at his accomplishment and smiled victoriously at the sight. 

When his task was done, Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all times. His army returned to the sands from whence they came; where they waited silently to be awakened once again. 

Many lifetimes later, a High Priestess was given a vision about a scorpion bracelet that could grant such a power. Her ruler, Pharoah Seti I, sets on a quest to find it and bring it home, unknowingly bringing its curse. 

Welcome to Part 2

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