2 | 12 ⌋ On The Hunt

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Rick watched his wife catch her breath, unsure who she was now. 

"Izzy!" His friend threw down some branches and sauntered over, angered by the demon they were attacked with. "We're going to get my son, then we're going to want to get out of here fast," he looked at the mess around them, "so make this work." 

"No, no, you don't understand, dammit. This thing is filled with gas. Not hot air... GAS! I need gas to get this thing off the ground." Izzy gestured to their surroundings, "Where am I going to get gas around here, O'Connell? Huh? Bananas? Mangos? Tarzan's ass?"

Ardeth asked his sister, "Are you alright, your highness?"

Hasina looked up at her brother, her true sibling, and jumped into his arms. He stumbled back, but wrapped his arms around her instantly, happy to have his sister back from... wherever she was. Her tears showered his shoulder and her whispers were music to his ears. 

"I am glad to see you again," Ardeth spoke, laughing, "no offense to the priestess, your company is less heavy." He pulled away from her, wiping her tears. 

"I cannot believe this happened," Hasina whispered, holding his hands for stability, "this is all my fault. I should've never kept this - any of it - from you."

Johnathan looked over at the siblings in confusion but returned his attention to the gold stick Izzy claimed as his (even though Johnathan had it first). He made sure the pilot was busy before hiding it in his jacket and walked over to Evelyn. 

"Your apologies aren't needed, Lazuli. If I were in you're shoes, I would've done the same thing," he pulled her into another embrace. 

"Lazuli?" Rick said aloud, gaining Evelyn and Jonathan's attention. 

Hasina pulled away from Ardeth and ran into Rick's arms, their tears flowing again. Evelyn ran over and hugged them as well while Johnathan patted her on the back. As much as they wanted to remain in the embrace, the group split up to focus on the main goals: getting Alex back and killing Imhotep again. Rick never let go of his wife.

"Horus!" Their winged companion rested on Ardeth's wrist. Once he received the letter, Horus flew into the sky in search of the other leaders. 

"So, Rick," Johnathan looked at his friend, "what's the plan?"

"Let's find higher ground."

The group agreed, rummaging through the wreckage before proceeding into the jungle. "Good luck, Izzy," Hasina smiled at the man, making him nervous. Rick scoffed, finding Izzy's fear humorous; Hasina hit him in the chest and laughed, following Ardeth into the jungle. Evelyn didn't know how to explain it to Izzy, so she gave him a thumbs-up instead. 

"Remember Izzy, if anyone can fill this thing with hot air, it's you!" Rick yelled, disappearing before the thick jungle. 

Not far from where they walked, someone had their eye on Horus as he flew high. The echo of a bullet pierced the silence as Horus fell upon the earth; Ardeth saw him disappear in the green. "Horus!" He called his friend, but he never came. 

"Horus!" Hasina called, her chest tightening. She looked around, trying to figure out where the shot came from. She could see Ardeth's panic set in as he stumbled slightly, looking between them and the path they took. "Ardeth, no!"

"I must go!" Ardeth made a move but Evelyn stood in his way. Rick came up behind him while Hasina held Rick's hand to ease his emotions. "Evelyn, please move."

"Ardeth, please." Evelyn whispered, "We need your help.."

"I must let the commanders know where we are," Ardeth argued. "Please, move out of my way."

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