1 | 3 ⌋ The Legionnaire

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Nadia, Hasina, Dr. Bey, Hassan, and Ardeth sat around the curator's office. 

Hasina paced back and forth while playing with the gold ring her friend Ashur gave her years ago. Her mind felt scrambled as she processed all that happened: the man who fought in Hamunaptra - and survived- is a former Cairo prisoner who's been released because of the Warden's greediness and a librarian's thirst for knowledge. So many times, she glanced over at the pig, but he was mentally stuck elsewhere.

Ardeth stepped away to calm his nerves after berating and threatening Hassan for his impulse. Nadia tried to soothe him, explaining the prisoner's freedom while occasionally looking at Hassan; everyone in the room believed Ardeth could've killed the Warden, but the greedy pig is a pawn in this game.

"My dear, you are giving me whiplash," Terrence spoke, causing Hasina to halt in the middle of the room. "Will you take a deep breath and relax?"

"Sorry, grandfather." She sat beside her sister. "So, have we encountered a plan yet?" She looked around the room, but no one spoke up. After a minute, Nadia stared at her sister. "Why don't you accompany the Carnahans yourself? You know, to stop them from finding Hamunaptra."

"I can't; it's too risky," Hasina fiddled with the wrong again, avoiding everyone's eyes. "Evelyn and her brother know me; they'd know something's up if I join them." Terrence nodded, "It's true; she's glared at them too much."

Hasina looked out the window, analyzing the city below. Her head began to ache, but she didn't know why. She leaned her head against the cool glass; for a moment, Nadia could've sworn she'd seen Hasina's eyes turn to gold.

"Now is not the time to turn down opportunities like this, Lazuli." Ardeth stood behind his sister, unaware of her turmoil. "You just stop them before they reach Hamunaptra." 

"I can't, brother," she finally met Ardeth's eyes, "and I won't. I see no reason to be involved in their little scheme when I could be useful here, with the tribe." Ardeth shook his head. "Why don't you join them, Chieftain, since you must stop the curse from happening."

"Our duty, sister," Nadia stood from her chair. "Face it, the real reason you don't want to go is your guilt." Ardeth looked at both of the girls in confusion. "However, no one is more qualified to go than you - they've all seen you and have a sense of who you are."

"Why do you feel guilty, Hasina?" Ardeth felt the tension in the air, echoing from his sister's voice - or lack of. "Why can't you accompany them?" Hasina looked at him. "What aren't you telling me, aibna?" Hasina felt small as Ardeth stood in front of her. 

"Ha, she hasn't told you!" Hasan began to laugh, despite the grave situation occurring. "She's part of the reason that animal was placed in my prison!' He took another drink of wine. 

"Hasina," Terrence appeared beside her, "is this true?"

The girl nodded. "I met Rick O'Connell the same year he found Hamunaptra."

*Flashback to Cairo, 1923*

Hasina and Nadia headed into Cairo to celebrate Ashur's birthday. Along with them were Malik and Aamir; they went to the local Kasper. They knew the owner, so he allowed a little mischief but not enough to get him in trouble with the chieftain. 

"Happy birthday, Ashur!" They all shouted before tossing the shot into their mouths, trying to fight the acidic taste of the drink. They cheered all night when a skinny, older man asked if they wanted another round of shots. Before the girls could stop him, Ashur hollered a yes to the man, and a round of drinks appeared. After a few hours, they were on the brink of causing trouble. Malik cut Nadia's supply off, much to her dismay. 

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