1 | 14 ⌋ Winston Havlock

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After making their way through the watery catacombs, fighting off Imhotep's zombies (as Johnathan called them), and blowing up innocent people (again, zombie people), the guys climbed out of a hole. They hid in the shadows of an alley. Ardeth checked their environment while the other gentlemen caught their breath. 

Ardeth stole a moment, guilt-ridden over Terrence's death. "He dies a noble death, sacrificing himself for the greater good." Rick and Johnathan gave him space to accept the new reality before they regrouped.

"We've got to get them back," Rick looked over at his comrades. Ardeth patted Rick on the back as Johnathan said, "I'm with you, old man." Rick stood up and stared at the older Carnahan, "no one touches my sister like that and gets away with it."

"Nor my sister." Ardeth looked at the sky, hoping his mother kept his sister safe. "We will get them back, and the girls know it, too." His mind then wanders to the last image of Hasina and Evelyn - both were scared as Imhotep grabbed their shaky hands. 

"You know where he's taking them?" Rick asked.

Ardeth nodded. "To Hamunaptra, to perform the ritual." Johnathan looked at the Medjai with wide eyes. "Did you not listen to them? They gave you a warning about it."

"And what ritual would that be?" He did not.

"The ritual to bring the body of Anck-su-namun and Nabila back to life." His fear for his sister grew with each passing word, but he forced himself to trust her being. 

"And how does one do that?" Rick looked over at Johnathan, ready to punch him in the face as he had done the second time they met. He looked at Ardeth, who answered with dark features, "By reading from the Book of the Dead."

"Oh, yes. Of course." Sarcasm dripped from Johnathan's words like honey.

"And then, he'll kill your sister."

"What!?" Johnathan became paler than the new moon at the thought of his little sister murdered by a power-hungry being. His legs shook at the thought; his stomach turned at the image of her dead body.

Rick and Ardeth locked eyes. "Imhotep now can cross the desert with promptitude."

Carnahan interrupted their conversation by tapping the Chieftain on the shoulder, "I beg your pardon, but can you repeat that last part? I think I misunderstood."

"You didn't. Imhotep will kill your sister and give her vital organs to Anck-su-namun." Ardeth looked at Rick, "he will also use my sister's body for Nabila. We will lose both of them if he arrives before us."

"I know how to beat him to it." Rick began to walk out of the alley, prompting the other two to follow.

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The man sat like a child, his eyes glistening with curiosity as Rick explained the events to him, "Is it dangerous?" Rick sat beside Winston Havlock, an old guy with a walrus mustache who wore his WWI fighter pilot uniform every time he came to the bar, which became a daily activity. He sat with a drink in his hand as his beady eyes looked at Ardeth and Johnathan.

"You probably won't live through it," Rick responded.

"By Jove, do you think so?" It's a dream come true for Winston to hear those words from Rick. He knew he should've died with the other laddies in battle, but luck was on his side, granting him one last hurrah in honor of his fallen brethren.

Johnathan shrugged. "Everyone else we've bumped into or helped us has died. Why not you?" He called the bartender over for a cup of liquid courage.

Winston seemed to think about it before nodding. "What's the challenge, then?" He spoke with pride that the other guys dismissed.

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