1 | 11 ⌋ Nabila

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Hasina slept for the night; she only recalled the Mummy beckoning her darkness to embrace her; Her dreams were plagued with scrabs and Rick and Evelyn; images of their deaths cursed her peaceful slumber, much to her family's chagrin. Against her medic's advice, Hasina woke early to watch the sunset and feigned sleep before anyone noticed. 

The burning sensation occurred after the first batch of stars appeared; Hasina returned to her tent, clutching her stomach; heat moved upward until it reached her head. She fell on her bed, and a silent scream escaped her lips. Once the burning ceased, the girl looked at her wound.

Yesterday, it seemed to be leaking blood, refusing to allow any form of cover to block its path; the pain caused her skin to burn as she tossed and turned throughout the night. None of the medics could stop the bleeding, but the wound healed and scarred overnight. Is it all a dream or a nightmare?

"How do you feel, little sister?"

Hasina quickly turned around, acknowledging the high priest Imhotep - a memory slowly gaining clarity as the scene around her changed. The sand blew away to reveal cold hard floors and beautifully decorated walls. The previous dark turban and scarfs became white silk that hugged her body loosely. Royal markings appeared like magic on her skin.

"What do you want, Imhotep? Haven't you done enough damage?" The language - the ancient language she had never learned slipped through her lips with ease. "Why have you come back?"

Imhotep smiled, walking past her to look over the city of Thebes. "I promised Mom I'd watch over you while you lived here." The moonlight softens his cold gaze. Hasina felt a pain in her chest. "I know you had no choice but to obey orders that day, and I forgive you. How can I be mad if we both knew what was coming?"

"You don't belong in this world anymore, Imhotep."

"Imhotep? It sounds strange hearing that from you, little sister," Hasina looked away in shame, "I am not your sister," her eyes hardened as they met his once again, "I am a Medjai, and I will do whatever it takes to put you back in your grave." She stepped away, realizing she stood near the balcony's edge.

"Nabila, I will rise again. When I regain power, I will resurrect Anck-su-namun, and your soul will take this vessel." He walked closer to her, never breaking eye contact. "The three of us will be immortal and unstoppable - this I promise you."

"No." Her hands clutched to the handrail. "This is not your world anymore. I cannot allow you to destroy this beautiful city as you have before."

"I do not want to fight you, Nabila." His eyes became darker as he clutched her throat and pushed her back slightly while taking hold of her free hand (wrist), "But I cannot promise the same for your friends. I hope you reconsider the choice you're making. I'd hate to see you end up like the princess."

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"No!" Hasina screamed, falling to the ground to catch her breath. Three bodies entered her room and continuously asked her what was wrong. She felt sand had taken over her senses as her mouth dried up due to the intense vision. Her eyes glanced at where Imhotep stood moments ago.

"Lazuli, what's wrong?" Nadia helped her sister, "Why do you keep looking at the sand?"

"We have to go," Hasina whispered. "We have to go now!"

"Go where? Hasina, where are you going?"

The eldest sibling ran towards the horses, readying her own to ride into the city. "I have to save them - they're in danger, and I can stop it! I have something he wants." She looked down at her wrist, where a dark bruise began to form from his hold.

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