Predator Cat and Docile Dog

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Danielle didn't know when she started falling for her cat-eyed boss. On her first day of work, she felt confused and alone. All the company's apps and software were alien to her.

Sure, she had received some training to learn them, but using them directly on the job felt very different.

Her first mistake was sending a meeting invitation to all employees of KimTech Communication, which was supposed to be sent to the General Manager level.

Haerin quickly recalled all the emails and sent them back to the General Manager's department only. She just came over to Danielle with a smile, sat beside her and showed her how, while Danielle just lowered her head in embarrassment and timidity.

"Don't think about it too much."

That was all Haerin said to her, she didn't scold her or rebuke her.

She made sure Danielle understood everything, and if she gave an assignment she would explain it to her in detail and told her not to hesitate to ask her if she was confused.

Haerin is always smiling and humble, all her employees respect her and adore her.

She treated her employees very well, if they worked overtime she would buy them nice meals, even if they were not from her division. She was also the one who came up with the idea of a special taxi app dedicated to their staff who worked overtime, all the drivers were strictly screened to ensure that their backgrounds were clean and decent.

She is tall, good-looking, has a good personality and can also compensate for Minji's harsh and short-tempered nature. She also contributed greatly in keeping the company at its best.

All of that made Danielle quickly develop feelings for her, but she wasn't the only one.

Danielle had no problem with that, she was happy with her position, since it was the one that made her closer to Haerin, compared to the other employees.

The real problem was when she started to see different women approaching Haerin in the office.

Just like this morning.

Danielle exited the elevator and stepped into the lobby, several newly arrived employees bowed their heads to her, Danielle smiled. Her eyes then caught Haerin's figure who was standing near the lobby door, talking to a woman.

Danielle squinted her eyes trying to get a better look, this was not the woman from yesterday.

Haerin held the woman's shoulders who seemed to be trying to kiss her, she accidentally looked at Danielle who was walking towards the lobby door, she smiled widely and raised her hand, calling out to her.


Danielle walked quickly to her, and bowed when she arrived in front of her, "Good morning Ms. Kang." she smiled, the woman in front of Haerin looked at her intently.

Haerin then looked at the woman, "I'm sorry but I have to discuss something with my secretary about the meeting this morning." she said.

The woman observed her, "You're avoiding me Kang, why didn't you pick up my call last night?" Danielle noticed the irritated tone in the woman's words.

Haerin smiled awkwardly, "I wanted to say it since our last meeting 2 days ago but I didn't have time. So I'll say it now, I can't see you anymore from now on."

There was a harsh sigh from the woman before she threw a slap at Haerin's cheek. Danielle gasped, as did the employees who were nearby.
The big man who was near them immediately walked up to the woman, Haerin raised her hand, the man stopped but he still looked at her warily.

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