The Perfect Pair (1) - M

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The three of them stared at the palace-style house while Danielle excitedly led Mrs. Kim towards the entrance where rows of servants in black and white stood on either side of the stairs, welcoming them.

Hanni and Yoona followed them, the two women giggling as they held hands, walking up the stairs.

Hyein jumped in surprise when something bumped her butt, she turned around, a white sheep stood looking at her.
"Why is there a sheep in the yard?" Minji glanced strangely at the animal, her eyes then roamed around Danielle's yard.

The courtyard was vast, several large shady trees lined up neatly in a line, at some points there were paths with stone steps for people to walk on. Snow coated almost all of the courtyard, leaving only the path to the main entrance and the area leading to the main entrance of the house. Two men were seen clearing away the snow that had accumulated near the flower garden.

"I didn't know Dani had a house this big." Haerin whispered, she lifted her right leg when suddenly a mother hen and her four chicks appeared out of nowhere running nearby, her brow furrowed in surprise at seeing the chickens wearing sweaters.

Minji glanced at her, "This isn't a house, it's a semi-palace. You're her fiancé but you didn't know?", "Her soon-to-be fiancé! And don't be loud or she'll hear it." Haerin whispered in annoyance.

"Baby, why are you still here?" Danielle ran up to Haerin, "Dani, why are there so many animals in your yard?" Haerin shifted slightly behind Danielle as the white sheep walked up to her.

"Oh you've already met Bruce." Danielle smiled, she patted the sheep's head.
"Yes, this is Bruce, he's tame but very curious. Oh he wants to be close to you, he seems to like you." Danielle chuckled as the sheep sniffed Haerin's leg.

"Uuhhh no thank you, I prefer them on a plate."
Danielle's mouth opened wide, "Don't talk like that in front of him!" she covered the sheep's furry ears with both hands.
Haerin sighed quietly, Danielle could be very weird sometimes.

Her eyes then searched around for Minji and Hyein, and finding them both gone from the courtyard, she snorted in annoyance at feeling left out.

"Mom really likes animals, there are some more chickens and sheep in the backyard, and also two horses." came Danielle's voice, "She really wants to have koalas too but I think it's better to just leave them in their habitat. Their pee stinks a lot anyway." she giggled, Haerin just nodded.

They then walked into the house, Haerin looked over several times, making sure Bruce didn't follow her.

Mrs. Kim was seen talking to a foreign man and a Korean woman with a friendly and motherly face. Minji and Hanni were behind them, Hanni seemed to be listening carefully and smiling along, Minji was expressionless as usual.

Hyein and Yoona were already sitting on the living room sofa, the giraffe's eyes wandered around the living room admiringly, Yoona seemed to whisper something and Hyein's face turned red, she then shook her head and Yoona chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Danielle pulled Haerin in front of her parents, "Mom! Dad! This is my lover."
Haerin immediately bowed 90 degrees, "Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, I'm Kang Haerin, nice to meet you!"

She then straightened up, Mrs. Marsh hugged her and kissed her cheek, "Haerin, Jihye always gets excited when she talks about you. Your eyes are so beautiful." she smiled, Haerin smiled nervously and bowed her head, "Thank you Mrs. Marsh."

Mr. Marsh shook the cat's hand tightly, "Hello Haerin." Haerin kept her face smiling while her hand felt like it was being squeezed by pliers because Danielle's father's handshake was so strong.

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