Immersion Of The Past

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Wednesday morning.

The winter wind gently hit Hanni's face, but it wasn't as cold as before. It was already a warm season and the wind was cool. She adjusted the collar of her coat and waited for the crosswalk light to turn green.

Two days to go.

Her mind was busy with what to do on Friday. What should she say? How to start? Was the woman who texted Minji really her ex-partner?
Would the conversation go well?

Her thoughts were interrupted when a group of pedestrians preceded her to cross. The pedestrian light had turned green.

Hanni hurried, she dodged some people walking from the opposite direction, it was more crowded than usual this morning she thought.

She approached a café and opened the door, the clinking sound above the door signaled that a customer had arrived. The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread immediately filled her senses. Four people in work suits and coats were queuing up to order.

Hanni closed the door and looked around.

Minji sat at the far table, next to the window. She seemed focused on her laptop. Hyein sat in front of her, typing something on her tablet, which Hanni believed was the final preparation report for the press conference to officially announce their company's partnership with SeolTech and Dubai First on Saturday.

Minji's two bodyguards sat at the next table, they were dressed in casual clothes today so they looked like two thugs relaxing, though their eyes remained alert.

The two big men immediately stood up and bowed when Hanni walked towards the four of them.

Hanni smiled at them, "Please sit down."

Hyein stood up and bowed her head, "Mrs. Kim Hanni." She said. Hanni chuckled, "Sit down Hyein, no need to be so formal with me."

Minji looked away from her laptop and stood up, she walked over to Hanni and kissed her forehead, "Why didn't you bring Jeong Woo with you?"

Hanni sat on the chair next to Minji, "I didn't want to inconvenience him, after all this place is right across the building. You used to send me here, remember?"

Minji sat back in her chair and snorted, "Do you still hold a grudge for the first time we met?" She grinned, Hanni laughed, "I was just evoking memories." She kissed Minji softly on the lips, and the taller one returned it affectionately.

Hyein cleared her throat, "Miss Kim, all the final preparations are ready. We will leave Friday at dawn for Dubai for the press conference." She said awkwardly.

I'll never get used to seeing them kissing.

Minji released her lips slowly, she pecked Hanni's forehead before looking at Hyein, "You stay here to look after my wife, I'll bring Secretary Jang to accompany me." She referred to the company secretary.

Hanni fiddled with her fingers, Minji's departure would make it easier for her to carry out her plan on Friday morning, she just had to convince Hyein not to say anything to Minji.

But she felt she could trust Hyein, the giraffe was obedient and respected her a lot.

"I'll be back on Sunday morning, Hyein will also be staying at our place temporarily, keeping you and Mom company. These days Father is always calling me or Haerin, trying to be nice and asking unimportant questions. I don't trust him." Minji scoffed.

"Give him a chance, maybe he does want to make things right. After all, he is your father."
"He just wants to win mom back. I'll give him a chance if he lets me do the same thing he did to me all those years." Minji's tone was hateful.

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