There's No Turning Back

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"Good morning Dani."

Danielle looked over, she immediately smiled widely, "Oh Ms. Kang, good morning." she said, she then eyed her, "You cut your hair." she said.

Haerin smiled, "Does it suit me?" she asked.

Danielle's cheeks turned red. The now chest-length hair was not only appropriate, but made her even more attractive!

"It suits you very well Miss." Danielle replied shyly, "Oh, Miss Kim is waiting for you in your room." she said again. Haerin nodded, "Thank you Dani."

There was a notification sound from her cell phone, Danielle glanced at it but did not check it.

"Are you texting? Am I bothering you?"

"It's okay, it's Jin Sol sunbaenim, she invited me to dinner tonight."
Haerin raised her eyebrows, "I didn't know you were close with her."

"I didn't, but a few days ago she took me out to eat dessert across the office, she's funny and we have a lot in common." Danielle smiled, "We're going to eat meat at a stall near my place after work." she added.

"Just the two of you?"
"I usually see her with the marketing manager, that short and cute one. Hmm..what's her name..aah Ji Woo." Haerin rubbed her chin.

Danielle chuckled, "I don't know about that Miss."
"Well, have fun." Haerin smiled then walked into her room.

"You wasted too much time talking to your secretary Haerin." Minji gave her a lazy look, leaning back in Haerin's chair.

The cat-eyed one raised her eyebrows, "It's called socializing Minji."
"It's called wasting time."
Haerin just laughed, "You wouldn't come to my office early in the morning just to rant, right?"

"Take a seat, I have something to talk about."
"Wah, it must be very important. Is it about our cooperation with the prosecutor's office?"

Minji looked at her lazily, "It's about the Vietnamese."


Danielle placed a box of ham and cheese sandwiches in front of Hanni, she then gave another one to Hyein who was standing in front of Minji's office, the tall woman accepted it and bowed her head.

"Come here Hyein, sit here." Danielle sat on the sofa in Hanni's room, Hyein just stood looking at her.

"Hyein, we won't bite you, come here." Danielle chuckled, Hyein glanced at Hanni, the young woman was taking her first bite, she looked at Hyein, pointed at her sandwich and raised her thumb.

Hyein walked over to them and sat next to Danielle, she opened the box and took the contents, starting to eat it.

Danielle and Hanni were talking about the dessert cafe in the plaza, Hyein wanted to go there too but that devil boss always gave her odd assignments, she wouldn't have time.

Hyein sighed.

"What's wrong?" she turned around, Hanni was looking at her, smiling.

Hyein observed Hanni, this woman was very kind and friendly, and her patience really confused and amazed Hyein at the same time. It's been more than 3 weeks and the woman hasn't shown any signs of wanting to quit.

But the past few mornings were what surprised her the most. Hyein almost dropped her bag when she saw Hanni coming out of Minji's secret chamber.

It was 7am, she came early to wake Minji up. She had just closed the door and was about to head to the room when Hanni came out of it, still wearing her work clothes from yesterday.

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