The Lingering Stench of Carcasses

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The red light changed to green.

And the sound of a horn from the car behind snapped Hyein out of her reverie, her eyes soon finding Minji looking intensely at her from the driver's seat before driving off.
"You seem unfocused this morning, but I don't blame you."

Hyein looked down, staring at her cell phone screen.
"Is she still unreachable?" Minji asked.
"Yes Miss."
"Well, we can't blame her."
"Would it have been different if I had been honest with her that night?"
"We can't change what happened Hyein, you can only think of what you should do now."

Hyein stared out the car window.
"Do you have any regrets?"
"No Miss, I think that scumbag deserved it."
"Even though it threatens your relationship with Yoona right now?"
"Yes..." Hyein answered after a moment of silence.

Minji turned the steering wheel of her car to the right, entering the Seol family residence. She then stopped the car in front of the entrance stairs and got out of the car, Hyein following her.
A man in a suit bowed to her and then got into the car to take it to the guest parking lot.

Two maids bowed to them, Minji and Hyein entered the mansion. A young man with short curly hair bowed to her, "Miss Kim, Miss Lee, your presence is expected by Miss Seol." He said.

The two women followed the man to a large wooden door. The man pressed a black button and brought his mouth to a small metal box embedded under the button.

"They're already here."

The door slid open.

Na Gyung stood up from her chair as Minji and Hyein walked into the room.
"What the hell Seol? Why did my assistant's face get battered?" Minji blurted out, Hyein behind her bowing 90 degrees to Na Gyung.

"Sit down Minji."
"Where's that old man??"
"My father is having breakfast with Asad Bafayed at the hotel where he's staying, he told me to represent him."
Minji scoffed, "He already demeaned Hyein and told a woman to face me? I didn't know he was a coward."

Na Gyung folded her arms in front of her chest, "You came here because you also wanted Hyein to have a good relationship with Yoona, not just because my father hit her."

Minji walked up to Na Gyung, "No one can hit my assistant." She snarled.

Na Gyung moved her face forward, "Listen to me, what Hyein and Yoona are facing is bigger than just that. My father didn't approve of them because he thinks Hyein is a criminal, a murderer."

Minji squinted her eyes, Na Gyung saw a glimpse of viciousness in the woman's orbs, she took a few steps back.
"How exactly does he know this?" Minji's tone was deep and low.

She had to know how the old man knew what they were doing. Haerin and Danielle were months away from getting married, and there was a possibility that Hanni was pregnant.

She had to take care of them, no matter what.

"The owner of the university is an old friend of my father's." Na Gyung stared at Minji.
"He asked my father to check the street cameras around the house, the university, and the roads Han Woo used to take."

Na Gyung walked over to the sofa and sat on it, rubbing her hair.
"My father, being a good friend, of course helped him. He had one of the security staff send street camera footage of the day Han Woo was last seen.

He saw a short, stocky man following Han Woo to his house at 2am after returning from a party. And after that they weren't seen again. Father recognized the man as one of Jin Sang's men."

Minji turned around slowly, she glanced at Hyein for a moment and then looked at Na Gyung.
"Jin Sang?"
Minji's jaw hardened.
"Your father knew Park Jin Sang?" She asked again.

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