Starting the Dive

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"Hello Hyein."

Hyein bowed her head, "What brings you here?" Yoona took off her glasses and placed them next to her laptop, looking at the tall girl in front of her intently.

"Ms. Kim wants you to sign this paper." Hyein handed a folder of documents to Yoona, she took it and placed it on the edge of her desk, Hyein furrowed her brows at the sight.

"Is there something wrong Miss Seol?"

"Have you had breakfast?" Yoona propped up her chin to look at her, "If you haven't, will you accompany me?" she asked again in a soft voice.

Hyein just stood there with a confused look on her face.

Yoona took two lunch boxes from the small table next to her and gave one to Hyein, "Take it." she smiled, Hyein looked at the box, she then bowed her head, "I'm here only for your signature Miss." she said.

Yoona chuckled and walked over to Hyein, "Don't be so serious like your boss, take a seat." Yoona stared at her, Hyein averted her eyes.
"Have breakfast with me and I'll sign the document."

Hyein knitted her brows, her mind recalling Minji's words from last night.

'Don't come back before she signs the document.'

The taller woman finally nodded her head, Yoona gave the box into Hyein's hands and sat back in her chair.

Hyein sat on the chair in front of Yoona's desk, opening the lunch box, it contained pieces of kimbap with several variations of fillings, "Jinni couldn't see me this morning, it's a pity if no one eats the food." Yoona said, she started eating her kimbap.

"Was Minji being nice to you?" Yoona asked, Hyein nodded while chewing.
"You don't talk much, do you?" Yoona grinned.

Hyein didn't answer her.

"You're quiet and not smiling either."

Hyein just nodded.

Yoona finally gave up trying to chat with the young woman. They ate in silence.

Hyein closed the lunchbox when she was done, she put it on the table and glanced at Yoona, the brown-haired woman munching on her sandwich while staring at her laptop screen, her brows furrowed, her face very solemn.

She was beautiful like a fairy tale character.

Why didn't Minji like this woman? She was smart and reputable, she had her own fashion brand. Her appearance was also very elegant and classy.

"The way you stare is so flattering to me. You can drive girls crazy with those eyes." Yoona giggled.

Hyein blinked her eyes, she then bowed her head, "I'm sorry.", "It's okay Hyein, I like people who have good taste." Yoona closed her lunch box and wiped her hands with a wet tissue.

The woman then took a pen and opened the folder, taking out the documents and reading them carefully. "I heard Minji and Mr. Kim will hold a private press conference to announce the cancellation of this engagement." she said, Hyein bowed her head, " Correct."

Yoona gave a small smile and put her signature at the bottom, next to Minji's signature. She put the documents back into the folder, closed it and gave it to Hyein.

She then got up from the chair and walked to the fridge in the corner of her room, taking a mineral water bottle from inside. Hyein watched her.

"Thank you for coming, be careful on your way." Yoona passed the bottle to Hyein, smiling. Hyein stood up and accepted the bottle, Yoona then took the folder from her desk and gave it to the tall woman, "Have a nice day Hyein." she said in a whisper.

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