The Perfect Pair (2) - M

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author here.

It feels good to be back here, I apologize for this update being longer than usual. It's nearing the end of the year and tasks are starting to flood me, I hope I can handle them (God save me, I need money).

Before we start I want you to get to know one of my lovely writer friends Amariaaw, she also wrote about Daerin and Bbangsaz. Personally I like the way she wrote, it's light but not boring and she gave a nice touch of detail to the surroundings. Please check out her works and give her lots of love too.

And I've been receiving a lot of notifications from my wattpad lately, there are a lot of new readers and followers, and some of them finished reading in just a few hours or a day, it's crazy. And I also saw that on TikTok someone uploaded a special post about SDWTD and the comments were very positive.

Crazy, crazy but I love it!

And oh do you remember that crush I told you about? Well..we are now a couple.

Now, please enjoy your reading!


Haerin furrowed her brows when she felt something heavy on top of her body, and it felt warm. She opened her eyes, a familiar fragrant scent slowly filled her sense of smell.
Haerin glanced down, Danielle was sleeping with her head on her chest.

The woman's delicate arms hugging her waist, Haerin kissed her head.
What time is it?
Outside the room there was also no sound, Haerin perked up her ears again, there was no sound from the next room, the perverted couple must still be sleeping too.

She moved her arm that was not pinned down by Danielle's body, looking for her cell phone, she then sighed, right, she threw it somewhere last night.

There was a soft tinkling bell echoing in the room, Haerin furrowed her brows, what was it? The bell sound was heard for about 5 seconds and then quiet again.
Haerin felt Danielle move, and rolled over to her side, the woman opened her eyes, glancing at Haerin, "Good morning." she smiled.

Haerin immediately hugged her lover and kissed her face, Danielle chuckled, "I thought you were still mad at me." Haerin said, "Yes, but not for long. I missed you." she smiled, showing a crescent shape in her eyes.

Haerin could not say anything.

She hugged Danielle tightly, "I love you so much Dani...", she was about to move her face to kiss her again but Danielle pushed her face away, Haerin's brows furrowed, "Ok that's enough, we have to wake Minji and Hanni.", "What? Why? Just let them."

Danielle got off the bed and looked at Haerin, "The bell for breakfast has rung, we will have breakfast together, this is our tradition. Now let's get cleaned up." she smiled sweetly.

Haerin was about to reply but the Australian gave her a sharp look, she closed her mouth again and quickly got off the bed, rushing to the bathroom.


Yoona adjusted the position of the towel wrapped around her body, she then began to brush her hair. She stopped what she was doing when she heard the bell tinkling, she then walked over to Hyein who was still asleep on the bed.

"Baby." she took the pillow that was under Hyein's head, the woman's head immediately fell to the mattress, but she was still sleeping soundly.

Yoona shook Hyein's body slowly, pinching her cheek, "Hyein." she called again. There was no movement.

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