Already Damaged

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=== ⚠️ Trigger Warning Ahead ⚠️ ===

Some parts of this chapter will contain sensitive contents. Please read with discretion, and please skip if you feel uncomfortable.


She wondered when social status became so important in society. Why do rich or respected people rank higher than ordinary people?

Why should the rich be related to or married to the rich as well?

Is status an absolute marker in human life?

Yoona sighed loudly.

"What's the matter? That's all you've been doing since half an hour ago"
"Unnie, can we have a relationship with a mediocre person?"
"Are you cheating on Minji?"

Yoona threw a pillow at Nagyung, "Where the hell have you been? I'm not engaged to her anymore." she gave her sister a judgmental look.

Nagyung chuckled, "Of course I know, I was just joking."
"I'm serious." Yoona sighed, "Why do mom and dad care so much about status." she complained again.

"Why are you suddenly like this? Who is that unlucky person?"

Yoona glanced irritably.

"You're luckier because your partner is the daughter of a parliamentarian." she snorted.
Nagyung shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't know that she was rich, she always looked ordinary. I fell in love with her anyway because she's cute and smart."

"Chaeyoung Unnie is pretty too, don't tell me you don't see that."
"Well that too."

"So..." Nagyung scratched her chin, "Are you going to tell me who she is?"

Yoona's face turned red, "That idiot Lee Hyein."

Nagyung widened her eyes and gasped, "She's Minji's assistant!" she then burst out laughing.
Yoona looked at her with a flat face, "What's so funny?"
"Nothing actually, you refused to get engaged to the CEO but fell in love with her assistant, just like a drama." Nagyung giggled.

"That's because she's so sweet and polite!" exclaimed Yoona with a flushed face, "But also very insensitive." she grumbled again.

Nagyung laughed amusedly, "Then you should be more aggressive. Do you think she likes you too?"
"I don't know, but we hugged once." Yoona blushed again.
Nagyung rolled her eyes, "You guys are just like kids. Have you never kissed?"

Yoona pushed her sister, "Are you crazy?", "What? Try kissing her and maybe you'll find out she likes you too."
"How do I do that?"
"With your lips."

Yoona paced irritably, Nagyung was never serious except when it came to work.

"Take her on a date, invite her into your apartment. You're already 25 and I still have to teach you this?"

"I already asked her one time, and she cooked for us."
"That's it, then she just hugged me."
Nagyung raised her eyebrows, "She took the initiative, that means she has feelings for you too."

"How can I be sure about that?" Yoona turned her face away, the thought of kissing Hyein made her nervous.

Nagyung was flat-faced.
"Invite her again Yoona, build an intimate atmosphere. You're acting like a teenager who's never been on a date."
"That's because I never took the initiative first!"
"Wahh I want to meet this Lee Hyein, how great is she that she can make my beautiful sister confused."

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