Into Her Nest

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It's Saturday.

Danielle waited at the bus stop in front of her apartment feeling anxious and excited, occasionally fixing her hair.

She was so excited that Haerin would be coming soon, she glanced at the bag next to her, filled with clothes and nightwear for the overnight, as well as her toiletries.

Haerin said she could choose where they would go on Sunday. Where would they go in winter like this?

She would prefer if they stayed home, warmed up, made chocolate milk and watched movies, and maybe..maybe they could cuddle?

Danielle let out a squeal and covered her face.

"Why are you screaming? Did you see a bug?"

Danielle looked over, Haerin was smiling at her from her Land Rover Defender.
"Ah..nothing Miss Kang." Danielle smiled in embarrassment.

Haerin got out of her car, "Come on Danielle, get in, I don't want you to freeze in there." she opened the front passenger door.

The Australian stood up and bowed her head, then approached Haerin who reached out to help her into the car.

"I've never seen this car of yours Miss Kang." Danielle jumped in.
"I just bought it two weeks ago and this hunk came this morning, you're the first person to be my passenger Dani." Haerin smiled before closing the door.

Danielle's face turned red.

Haerin entered the car and closed the door, "We're going shopping near my neighborhood okay." She started the car.


Danielle stared at her shopping cart, her index finger tapping her lips, hmm, what else wasn't there?

"Are we just going to make fried chicken?" Haerin appeared suddenly, Danielle jumped in surprise, " Miss Kang, don't be like that! I almost fainted." she exclaimed.

Haerin raised her eyebrows, "I'll catch you Dani."

Danielle turned her blushing face away, she cleared her throat, "Is there anything you want besides chicken?"
Haerin rubbed her jaw, "Salad sounds good. Let's just make those two." she smiled, Danielle nodded.

They then went to the vegetable section, Haerin pushed the cart and watched Danielle choosing lettuce.

She observed the woman's sideways face, the movement of her slender fingers as they touched the rows of lettuce leaves, her narrowed eyes as she picked one and watched the stalks, and her smile when she found the right one.

Her mind wandered to what she should do to bring her into her arms tonight.

Her slender body felt perfect in her arms when she held her that time, and she couldn't wait to feel what else that body could give her.

And today her already long hair was tied up in a high ponytail so that it exposed her slender neck, Haerin wanted to put her lips on it.

"Miss Kang..."

What would Dani like? She couldn't possibly treat her like the previous women, Dani was a decent woman, who would probably prefer a date in the park rather than eating at an expensive restaurant and ending up in a six-star hotel.

"Miss Kang."

Perhaps they could have some wine first. Or maybe after talking she could take her straight to her bedroom. She liked her, she just needed to figure out the right move.

"Miss Kang."

Haerin was snapped out of her reverie when Danielle touched her arm, she turned her head in shock. Danielle looked at her with concern, "You were daydreaming." she said.

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